連載 今月の話題
1)Saw SM, Shih-Yen EC, Koh A et al:Interventions to retard myopia progression in children. Ophthalmology 109:415-427, 2002
2)Yen MY, Liu JH, Kao SC et al:Comparison of the effect of atropine and cyclopentlate on myopia. Ann Ophthalmol 21:180-187, 1989
3)Shih YF, Chen CH, Chou AC et al:Effects of different concentrations of atropine on controlling myopia in myopic children. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther15:85-90, 1999
4)Lee JJ, Fang PC, Yang IH et al:Prevention of myopia progression with 0.05% atropine solution. J Ocul Pharmacol Ther 22:41-46, 2006
5)Liang X, Jianjun L, Tongtong C et al:Refractive error in urban and rural adult Chinese in Beijing. Ophthalmology 112:1676-1683, 2005
6)Siatkowski RM, Cotter S, Miller JM et al:Safety and efficacy of 2% pirenzepine ophthalmic gel in children with myopia:a-1 year, multicenter, double-masked, placebo-controlled parallel study. Arch Ophthalmol 122:1667-1674, 2004
7)Tan DT, Lam DS, Chua WH et al:One-year multicenter, double-masked, placebo-controlled, parallel safety and efficacy study of 2% pirenzepine ophthalmic gel in children with myopia. Ophthalmology112:84-91, 2005
8)Gwiazda J, Hyman L, Hussein M et al:A randomized clinical trial of progressive addition lenses versus single vision lenses on the progression of myopia in children. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 44:1492-1500, 2003
9)Gwiazda JE, Hyman L, Norton RR et al:Accommodation and risk factors associated with myopia progression and their interaction with treatment in COMET children. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 45:2143-2151, 2004
10)Leung JT, Brown B:Progression of myopia in Hong Kong Chinese schoolchildren is slowed by progressive lenses. Optom Vis Sci 76:346-354, 1999
11)Shih YF, Hsiao CK, Chen CJ et al:An intervention trial on efficacy of atropine and multifocal glasses in controlling myopic progression. Acta Ophthalmol Scand 79:233-236, 2001
12)Edwards MH, Li RW, Lam CS et al:The Hong Kong progressive lens myopia control study. Study design and main outcome. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 43:2852-2858, 2002
13)Hasebe S, Nakatsuka C, Hamasaki I et al:Downward deviation of progressive addition lenses in a myopia control trial. Ophthal Physiol Opt 25:310-314, 2005
14)Hasebe S, Nonaka F, Nakatsuka C et al:Myopia control trial with progressive addition lenses in Japanese schoolchildren. Baseline measures of refraction, accommodation and heterophoria. Jpn J Ophthalmol 49:23-30, 2005