連載 今月の話題
1)栗橋克昭:涙道手術―内視鏡的レーザーdacryocystorhinostomy(DCR)鼻内法・涙小管法新法.眼紀 53:771-779,2002
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16)栗橋克昭:難治性涙道閉塞と全涙道再建術.眼臨 99:527,2005
17)Matsuo K:Restoration of involuntary tonic contraction of the levator muscle in patients with aponeurotic blepharoptosis or Horner syndrome by aponeurotic advancement using the orbital septum. Scand J Plast Reconstr Hand Surg 37:81-89, 2003
18)Matsuo K:Stretching of the Mueller muscle results in involuntary contraction of the levator muscle. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 18:1:5-10, 2002
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20)Yuzuriha S, Matuo K, Kushima H:An anatomical structure which results in puffiness of the upper eyelid and a narrow palpebral fissure in the Mongoloid eye. Bri J Plast Surg 53:466-472, 2000
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34)Saijo M:The recent advaner of ophthalmie plastic surgery:The isolated Muller's muscle tuck:An Invited Lecture of Plastic Surgery. Toront University, 1999
35)Saijo M:The Muller muscle tuck for ptosis surgery. A new technique and its basic concept. The 13th Congress of European Ophthalmic Surgery. Istanbul, 2001
36)松尾 清:まぶたの手術に取り憑かれた理由.形成外科 42:1111,1999
37)西岡久寿樹:線維筋痛症.治療学 39:318-320, 2005
38)伊藤保彦,五十嵐徹,福永慶隆:線維筋痛症.小児科診療 68:697-702, 2005
39)松尾 清:名医の最新治療 眼の病気8 眼瞼下垂.週刊朝日 4.22:112-113,2005