特集 眼科専門医に必要な「全身疾患と眼」のすべて
1)臼井正彦:アトピー性皮膚炎における眼合併症と諸問題.臨眼 60:442-455,2006
2)小田 仁・平形明人:アトピー皮膚炎に伴う眼疾患.眼科 45:303-308,2003
3)高村悦子:アトピー性皮膚炎と合併した諸病変の診断と治療.眼科疾患.アレルギー・免疫 10:196-202,2003
4)後藤 浩:アトピー性皮膚炎の眼合併症.小児内科 35:693-696,2003
7)樋田哲夫・田野保雄・沖波 聡・他:アトピー性皮膚炎に伴う網膜剝離に関する全国調査結果.日眼会誌 103:40-47,1999
8)Oshima Y, Oji M, Inoue Y et al:Methicillin-resistant Stapylococcus aureus infection after scleral bucking procedures for retinal detachments associated with atopic dermatitis. Ophthalmology 106:142-147, 1999
9)Osawa S, Sasoh M, Ito K et al:Exuative retinal detachment due to Methicillin-resistant Stapylococcus aureus infection after scleral bucking in the treatment of retinal detachment accompanied by atopic dermatitis. Retina 22:649-651, 2002
10)Yokoi N, Hirano S, Okamoto S et al:Association of eosinophil granule major basic protein with atopic cataract. Am J Ophthalmol 122:825-829, 1996
11)松田秀穂・桂 弘・石田 晋・他:アトピー性皮膚炎に伴う網膜剝離患者の房水好酸球顆粒蛋白.日眼会誌 102:189-192,1997
12)Holland EJ, Olsen TW, Ketcham JM et al:Topical cyclosporine A in the treatment of anterior segment inflammatory disease. Cornea 12:413-419, 1993
13)Matsuo T, Saito H, Matsuo N:Cataract and aqueous flare levels in patients with atopic dermatitis. Am J Ophthalmol 124:36-39, 1997
14)松尾俊彦:アトピー白内障.臨眼 58(増刊):250-253,2004
16)松本長太:囊収縮,混濁をきたしやすい白内障における注意点とIOLの選択(アトピー性皮膚炎の合併する白内障を中心に).眼科 43:1767-1772,2001
17)Oka C, Ideta H, Nagasaki H et al:Retinal detachment with atopic dermatitis similar to traumatic retinal detachment. Ophthalmology 101:1050-1054, 1994
18)Azuma N, Hida T, Katsura H et al:Retrospective survey of surgical outcomes in rhegmatogenous retinal detachments associated with atopic dermatitis. Arch Ophthalmol 114:281-285, 1996
19)Kusaka S, Ohashi Y:Retinal detachments with crescent-shaped retinal breaks in patients with atopic dermatitis. Retina 16:312-316, 1996
20)Yoshida S, Sasoh M, Arima M et al:Ultrasound biomicroscopic view of detachment of the ciliary epithelium in retinal detachment with atopic dermatitis. Ophthalmology 104:283-287, 1997
21)川上摂子・岩崎琢磨・阿川 毅・他:アトピー白内障の病型と術中眼底所見の検討.あたらしい眼科 23:387-390,2006
22)宮崎幾代・勝島晴美・鈴木純一・他:アトピー性皮膚炎に合併する網膜剝離と隅角色素沈着.日眼会誌 98:998-1004,1994
23)澤 浩・池田恒彦:小児・若年者の硝子体手術:アトピー性皮膚炎に伴う網膜剝離.眼臨 93:1373-1379,1999