特集 眼科専門医に必要な「全身疾患と眼」のすべて
色素失調症(incontinentia pigmenti,またはBloch-Sulzberger症候群)は遺伝性の眼・皮膚疾患であり,欧米では50,000人に1例の頻度でみられる。遺伝形式はX染色体性優性遺伝である。男児は通常致死となるため,女児にのみみられる。
色素失調症(incontinentia pigmenti,またはBloch-Sulzberger症候群)は遺伝性の眼・皮膚疾患であり,欧米では50,000人に1例の頻度でみられる。遺伝形式はX染色体性優性遺伝である。男児は通常致死となるため,女児にのみみられる。
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3)Aradhya S, Woffendin H, Jakins T et al:A recurrent deletion in the ubiquitously expressed NEMO(IKK-gamma)gene accounts for the vast majority of incontinentia pigmenti mutations. Hum Mol Genet 10:2171-2179, 2001
4)Huang J・大島 徹・大島健司:色素失調症の1例.眼臨 100:235-236,2006
5)淵上あき・近藤寛之・内尾英一:生後4週目に光凝固を行った色素失調症の1例.眼臨 101:529-531,2007
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7)Chao AN, Lai CC, Kao LY et al:Incontinentia pigmenti:a florid case with a fluminant clinical course in a newborn. Retina 20:558-560, 2000
8)Jandeck C, Kellner U, Foerster MH:Successful treatment of severe retinal vascular abnormalities in incontinentia pigmenti. Retina 24:631-633, 2004
9)Shaikh S, Trese MT, Archer SM:Fluorescein angiographic findings in incontinentia pigmenti. Retina 24:628-629, 2004
10)Parrish JE, Scheuerle AE, Lewis RA et al:Selection against mutant alleles in blood leukocytes is a consistent feature in incontinentia pigmenti type 2. Hum Mol Genet 5:1777-1783, 1996
11)Smahi A, Courtois G, Vabres P et al:Genomic rearrangement in NEMO impairs NF-kappaB activation and is a cause of incontinentia pigmenti. The International Incontinentia Pigmenti(IP)Consor-tium. Nature 405:466-472, 2000
12)Aradhya S, Woffendin H, Jakins T et al:A recurrent deletion in the ubiquitously expressed NEMO(IKK-gamma)gene accounts for the vast majority of incontinentia pigmenti mutations. Hum Mol Genet 10:2171-2179, 2001
13)Fusco F, Bardaro T, Fimiani G et al:Molecular analysis of the genetic defect in a large cohort of IP patients and identification of novel NEMO mutations interfering with NF-kappaB activation. Hum Mol Genet 13:1763-1773, 2004
14)Huang J, Kondo H, Uchio E:A case of incontinentia pigmenti in Japan and its genetic examination. Jpn J Ophthalmol 51:142-145, 2007