特集 網膜硝子体診療update
1)Kadonosono K, Itoh N, Uchio E et al:Staining of internal limiting membrane in macular hole surgery. Arch Ophthalmol 118:1116-1118, 2000
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3)Rodrigues EB, Meyer CH, Kroll P:Chromovitrectomy:a new field in vitreoretinal surgery. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 243:291-293, 2005
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9)Haritoglou C, Gandorfer A, Gass CA et al:Indocyanine green-assisted peeling of the internal limiting membrane in macular hole surgery affects visual outcome:a clinicopathologic correlation. Am J Ophthalmol 134:836-841, 2002
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12)Van De Moere A, Stalmans P:Anatomical and visual outcome of macular hole surgery with infracyanine green-assisted peeling of the internal limiting membrane, endodrainage, and silicone oil tamponade. Am J Ophthalmol 136:879-997, 2003
13)Haritoglou C, Gandorfer A, Gass CA et al:Histology of the vitreoretinal interface after staining of the internal limiting membrane using glucose 5% diluted indocyanine and infracyanine green. Am J Ophthalmol 137:345-348, 2004
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16)Haritoglou C, Yu A, Freyer W et al:An evaluation of novel vital dyes for intraocular surgery. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 46:3315-3322, 2005
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18)Haritoglou C, Schumann RG, Strauss R et al:Vitreoretinal surgery using bromphenol blue as a vital stain:evaluation of staining characteristics in humans. Br J Ophthalmol 91:1125-1128, 2007
19)Haritoglou C, Strauss R, Priglinger SG et al:Delineation of the vitreous and posterior hyaloid using bromophenol blue. Retina 28:333-339, 2008
20)Enaida H, Hisatomi T, Goto Y et al:Preclinical investigation of internal limiting membrane peeling and staining using intravitreal brilliant blue G. Retina 26:623-630, 2006
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23)Enaida H, Hisatomi T, Hata Y et al:Brilliant blue G selectively stains the internal limiting membrane/brilliant blue G-assisted membrane peeling. Retina 26:631-636, 2006
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30)Yamashita T, Sakamoto T, Yamakiri K et al:Polylactic acid for visualizing the vitreous body during vitrectomy. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 48:3277-3282, 2007
31)Hata Y, Enaida H, Sassa Y et al:Preclinical investigation of fluorometholone acetate as a potential new adjuvant during vitreous surgery. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 245:1019-1025, 2007