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連載 今月の話題


著者: 米今敬一1

所属機関: 1名古屋大学大学院医学系研究科眼科学・感覚器障害制御学教室

ページ範囲:P.9 - P.14




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5)Ozden S, Tatlipinar S, Biçer N et al:Basal serum nitric oxide levels in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus and different stages of retinopathy. Can J Ophthalmol 38:393-396, 2003
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7)Hernández C, Lecube A, Segura RM et al:Nitric oxide and vascular endothelial growth factor concentrations are increased but not related in vitreous fluid of patients with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Diabet Med 19:655-660, 2002
8)Abu El-Asrar AM, Van Aelst I, Al-Mansouri S et al:Expression of the inducible isoform of nitric oxide synthase in the retinas of human subjects with diabetes mellitus. Am J Ophthalmol 132:551-556, 2001
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11)Sennlaub F, Courtois Y, Goureau O:Inducible nitric oxide synthase mediates retinal apoptosis in ischemic proliferative retinopathy. J Neurosci 22:3987-3993, 2002
12)Du XL, Edelstein D, Dimmeler S et al:Hyperglycemia inhibits endothelial nitric oxide synthase activity by posttranslational modification at the Akt site. J Clin Invest 108:1341-1348, 2001
13)El-Remessy AB, Abou-Mohamed G, Caldwell RW et al:High glucose-induced tyrosine nitration in endothelial cells:role of eNOS uncoupling and aldose reductase activation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 44:3135-3143, 2003
14)Evereklioglu C, Er H, Doganay S et al:Nitric oxide and lipid peroxidation are increased and associated with decreased antioxidant enzyme activities in patients with age-related macular degeneration. Doc Ophthalmol 106:129-136, 2003
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18)Ando A, Yang A, Mori K et al:Nitric oxide is proangiogenic in the retina and choroid. J Cell Physiol 191:116-124, 2002
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21)Beauchamp MH, Sennlaub F, Speranza G et al:Redox-dependent effects of nitric oxide on microvascular integrity in oxygen-induced retinopathy. Free Radic Biol Med 37:1885-1894, 2004
22)Alon T, Hemo I, Itin A et al:Vascular endothelial growth factor acts as a survival factor for newly formed retinal vessels and has implications for retinopathy of prematurity. Nat Med 1:1024-1028, 1995
23)Brooks SE, Gu X, Samuel S et al:Reduced severity of oxygen-induced retinopathy in eNOS-deficient mice. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 42:222-228, 2001
24)Gu X, El-Remessy AB, Brooks SE et al:Hyperoxia induces retinal vascular endothelial cell apoptosis through formation of peroxynitrite. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 285:C546-C554, 2003
25)Kermorvant-Duchemin E, Sennlaub F, Sirinyan M et al:Trans-arachidonic acids generated during nitrative stress induce a thrombospondin-1-dependent microvascular degeneration. Nat Med 11:1339-1345, 2005
26)Smith LE, Connor KM:A radically twisted lipid regulates vascular death. Nat Med 11:1275-1276, 2005
27)Káldi I, Dittmar M, Pierce P et al:L-NAME protects against acute light damage in albino rats, but not against retinal degeneration in P23H and S334ter transgenic rats. Exp Eye Res 76:453-461, 2003
28)Komeima K, Usui S, Shen J et al:Blockade of neuronal nitric oxide synthase reduces cone cell death in a model of retinitis pigmentosa. Free Radic Biol Med 45:905-912, 2008
29)Hughes EH, Schlichtenbrede FC, Murphy CC et al:Generation of activated sialoadhesin-positive microglia during retinal degeneration. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 44:2229-2234, 2003





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