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連載 今月の話題

視神経炎の新しい考え方 “抗アクアポリン4抗体陽性視神経炎”

著者: 中尾雄三1

所属機関: 1近畿大学医学部堺病院眼科

ページ範囲:P.1843 - P.1848




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2)Wingerchuk DM, Kryzer TJ, Pittock SJ et al:A serum autoantibody marker of neuromyelitis optica:distinction from multiple sclerosis. Lancet 364:2106-2112, 2004
3)Lennon VA, Kryzer TJ, Pittock SJ et al:IgG marker of optic-spinal multiple sclerosis binds to the aquaporin-4 water channel. J Exp Med 202:473-477, 2005
4)Nakashima I, Fujihara K, Miyazawa I et al:Clinical and MRI features of Japanese patients with multiple sclerosis positive for NMO-IgG. J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry 77:1073-1075, 2006
5)中尾雄三・山本 肇・有村英子・他:抗アクアポリン4抗体陽性視神経炎の臨床的特徴.神眼 25:327-342,2008
6)Matiello M, Lennon VA, Jacob A et al:NMO-IgG predicts the outcome of recurrent optic neuritis. Neurology 70:2197-2200, 2008
7)Pittock SJ:Neuromyelitis optica:a new perspective. Semin Neurol 28:95-104, 2008
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15)Optic Neuritis Study Group:Visual function 15 years after optic neuritis. A final follow-up report from the optic neuritis treatment trial. Ophthalmol 115:1079-1082, 2008
16)Watanabe S, Nakashima I, Misu T et al:Therapeutic efficacy of plasma exchange in NMO-IgG-positive patients with neuromyelitis optica. Mult Scler 13:128-132, 2007
17)Mandler RN, Ahmed W, Dencoff JE:Devic's neuromyelitis optica:a prospective study of seven patients treated with prednisone and azathioprine. Neurology 51:1219-1220, 1998
18)中尾雄三:視神経炎.山口 徹・北原光夫・福井次矢(編):今日の治療指針2008.1082-1083,医学書院,2008





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