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連載 今月の話題


著者: 大野京子1

所属機関: 1東京医科歯科大学大学院医歯学総合研究科眼科学

ページ範囲:P.1047 - P.1056




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4)Fan DS, Lam DS, Lam RF et al:Prevalence, incidence, and progression of myopia of school children in Hong Kong. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 45:1071-1075, 2004
5)He M, Huang W, Zheng Y et al:Refractive error and visual impairment in school children in rural southern China. Ophthalmology 114:374-382, 2007
6)He M, Zeng J, Liu Y et al:Refractive error and visual impairment in urban children in southern china. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 45:793-799, 2004
7)Dirani M, Chan YH, Gazzard G et al:Prevalence of refractive error in Singaporean Chinese children:the strabismus, amblyopia, and refractive error in young Singaporean Children(STARS)study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51:1348-1355, 2010
8)Jones-Jordan LA, Sinnott LT, Manny RE et al:Early childhood refractive error and parental history of myopia as predictors of myopia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51:115-121, 2010
9)Kurtz D, Hyman L, Gwiazda JE et al:Role of parental myopia in the progression of myopia and its interaction with treatment in COMET children. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 48:562-570, 2007
10)Guggenheim JA, Pong-Wong R, Haley CS et al:Correlations in refractive errors between siblings in the Singapore Cohort Study of Risk factors for Myopia. Br J Ophthalmol 91:781-784, 2007
11)Tsai MY, Lin LL, Lee V et al:Estimation of heritability in myopic twin studies. Jpn J Ophthalmol 53:615-622, 2009
12)Dirani M, Shekar SN, Baird PN:Evidence of shared genes in refraction and axial length:the Genes in Myopia(GEM)twin study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 49:4336-4339, 2008
13)Inamori Y, Ota M, Inoko H et al:The COL1A1 gene and high myopia susceptibility in Japanese. Hum Genet 122:151-157, 2007
14)Nakanishi H, Yamada R, Gotoh N et al:Absence of association between COL1A1 polymorphisms and high myopia in the Japanese population. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 50:544-550, 2009
15)Nakanishi H, Yamada R, Gotoh N et al:A genome-wide association analysis identified a novel susceptible locus for pathological myopia at 11q24.1. PLoS Genet 5:e1000660, 2009
16)Vitale S, Sperduto RD, Ferris FL 3rd:Increased prevalence of myopia in the United States between 1971-1972 and 1999-2004. Arch Ophthalmol 127:1632-1639, 2009
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20)Jacobsen N, Jensen H, Goldschmidt E:Does the level of physical activity in university students influence development and progression of myopia ? ―a 2-year prospective cohort study. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 49:1322-1327, 2008
21)Barathi VA, Boopathi VG, Yap EP et al:Two models of experimental myopia in the mouse. Vision Res 48:904-916, 2008
22)Qian YS, Chu RY, Hu M et al:Sonic hedgehog expression and its role in form-deprivation myopia in mice. Curr Eye Res 34:623-635, 2009
23)Tkatchenko TV, Shen Y, Tkatchenko AV:Mouse experimental myopia has features of primate myopia. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51:1297-1303, 2010
24)Hsiang HW, Ohno-Matsui K, Shimada N et al:Clinical characteristics of posterior staphyloma in eyes with pathologic myopia. Am J Ophthalmol 146:102-110, 2008
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26)Siegwart JT Jr, Strang CE:Selective modulation of scleral proteoglycan mRNA levels during minus lens compensation and recovery. Mol Vis 13:1878-1886, 2007
27)Moring AG, Baker JR, Norton TT:Modulation of glycosaminoglycan levels in tree shrew sclera during lens-induced myopia development and recovery. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 48:2947-2956, 2007
28)Tokoro T:Types of fundus changes in the posterior pole. In:Tokoro T(ed):Atlas of Posterior Fundus Changes in Pathologic Myopia. 5-22, Springer-Verlag, Tokyo, 1998
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33)Takano M, Kishi S:Foveal retinoschisis and retinal detachment in severely myopic eyes with posterior staphyloma. Am J Ophthalmol 128:472-476, 1999
34)Panozzo G, Mercanti A:Optical coherence tomography findings in myopic traction maculopathy. Arch Ophthalmol 122:1455-1460, 2004
35)Baba T, Ohno-Matsui K, Futagami S et al:Prevalence and characteristics of foveal retinal detachment without macular hole in high myopia. Am J Ophthalmol 135:338-342, 2003
36)Ikuno Y, Sayanagi K, Soga K et al:Intravitreal bevacizumab for choroidal neovascularization attributable to pathological myopia:one-year results. Am J Ophthalmol 147:94-100 e1, 2009
37)Hayashi K, Ohno-Matsui K, Teramukai S et al:Comparison of visual outcome and regression pattern of myopic choroidal neovascularization after intravitreal bevacizumab or after photodynamic therapy. Am J Ophthalmol 148:396-408, 2009
38)Kobayashi H, Kishi S:Vitreous surgery for highly myopic eyes with foveal detachment and retinoschisis. Ophthalmology 110:1702-1707, 2003
39)Ikuno Y, Sayanagi K, Ohji M et al:Vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane peeling for myopic foveoschisis. Am J Ophthalmol 137:719-724, 2004
40)Hirakata A, Hida T:Vitrectomy for myopic posterior retinoschisis or foveal detachment. Jpn J Ophthalmol 50:53-61, 2006
41)Kanda S, Uemura A, Sakamoto Y et al:Vitrectomy with internal limiting membrane peeling for macular retinoschisis and retinal detachment without macular hole in highly myopic eyes. Am J Ophthalmol 136:177-180, 2003
42)Shimada N, Ohno-Matsui K, Nishimuta A et al:Detection of paravascular lamellar holes and other paravascular abnormalities by optical coherence tomography in eyes with high myopia. Ophthalmology 115:708-117, 2008
43)Shimada N, Ohno-Matsui K, Nishimuta A et al:Peripapillary changes detected by optical coherence tomography in eyes with high myopia. Ophthalmology 114:2070-2076, 2007





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