特集 眼科診療:5年前の常識は,現在の非常識!
2 眼表面・角膜疾患 ■診断・治療
●フェムトセカンドレーザーはLASIK(laserin situ keratomileusis)専門施設のみで使われる特殊な機器である。
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2)Shousha MA, Yoo SH, Kymionis GD et al:Long-term results of femtosecond laser-assisted sutureless anterior lamellar keratoplasty. Ophthalmology 118:315-323, 2011
3)Ignacio TS, Nguyen TB, Chuck RS et al:Top hat wound configuration for penetrating keratoplasty using the femtosecond laser;a laboratory model. Cornea 25:336-340, 2006
4)Steinert RF, Ignacio TS, Sarayba MA:“Top hat”-shaped penetrating keratoplasty using the femtosecond laser. Am J Ophthalmol 143:689-691, 2007
5)Farid M, Kim M, Steinert RF:Results of penetrating keratoplasty performed with a femtosecond laser zigzag incision initial report. Ophthalmology 114:2208-2212, 2007
6)Farid M, Steinert RF, Gaster RN et al:Comparison of penetrating keratoplasty performed with a femtosecond laser zig-zag incision versus conventional blade trephination. Ophthalmology 116:1638-1643, 2009
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8)Farid M, Steinert RF:Femtosecond laser-assisted corneal surgery. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 21:288-292, 2010
9)Farid M, Steinert RF:Deep anterior lamellar keratoplasty performed with the femtosecond laser zigzag incision for the treatment of stromal corneal pathology and ectatic disease. J Cataract Refract Surg 35:809-813, 2009