特集 眼科診療:5年前の常識は,現在の非常識!
5 ぶどう膜炎・強膜炎・感染症 ■ぶどう膜炎・強膜炎
1)Sugita S, Shimizu N, Watanabe K et al:Use of multiplex PCR and real-time PCR to detect human herpes virus genome in ocular fluids of patients with uveitis. Br J Ophthalmol 92:928-932, 2008
2)杉田 直・岩永洋一・川口龍史・他:急性網膜壊死患者眼内液の多項目迅速ウイルスPCRおよびリアルタイムPCR法によるヘルペスウイルス遺伝子同定.日眼会誌 112:30-38,2008
3)Sugita S, Shimizu N, Watanabe K et al:Diagnosis of bacterial endophthalmitis by broad-range quantitative polymerase chain reaction. Br J Ophthalmol 95:345-349, 2011
4)Sugita S, Takase H, Sugamoto Y et al:Diagnosis of intraocular lymphoma by polymerase chain reaction analysis and cytokine profiling of the vitreous fluid. Jpn J Ophthalmol 53:209-214, 2009
5)Kido S, Sugita S, Horie S et al:Association of varicella-zoster virus(VZV)load in the aqueous humor with clinical manifestations of anterior uveitis in herpes zoster ophthalmicus and zoster sine herpete. Br J Ophthalmol 92:505-508, 2008
6)Takahashi H, Sugita S, Shimizu N et al:A high viral load of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in ocular fluids in a HLA-B27 negative acute anterior uveitis patient with psoriasis. Jpn J Ophthalmol 52:136-138, 2008
7)Yamamoto S, Sugita S, Sugamoto Y et al:Detection of genomic DNA from Epstein-Barr virus in ocular fluids of patients with uveitis. Jpn J Ophthalmol 52:463-467, 2008
8)Miyanaga M, Sugita S, Shimizu N et al:A significant association of viral loads with corneal endothelial cell damage in cytomegalovirus anterior uveitis. Br J Ophthalmol 94:336-340, 2010
9)Kawaguchi T, Sugita S, Shimizu N et al:Kinetics of aqueous flare, intraocular pressure and virus-DNA copies in a patient with cytomegalovirus iridocyclitis without retinitis. Inter Ophthalmol 27:383-386, 2007
10)Sugita S, Shimizu N, Kawaguchi T et al:Identification of human herpesvirus 6 in a patient with severe unilateral panuveitis. Arch Ophthalmol 125:1426-1427, 2007