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連載 つけよう! 神経眼科力・21


著者: 中馬秀樹1

所属機関: 1宮崎大学医学部感覚運動医学講座眼科学分野

ページ範囲:P.1890 - P.1894


 遺伝子異常による神経眼科疾患は多いのですが,今回は視神経疾患,特に日常診療で遭遇する機会のあるレーベル遺伝性視神経症(Leber's hereditary optic neuropath:LHON)と,常染色体優性視神経萎縮(autosomal dominant optic neuropathy:DOA)について書いてみたいと思います。


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2)Wakakura M, Fujie W, Emoto Y:Initial temporal field defect in Leber hereditary optic neuropathy. Jpn J Ophthalmol 53:603-607, 2009
3)Newman NJ, Biousse V, David R et al:Prophylaxis for second eye involvement in Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy:an open-labeled, nonrandomized multicenter trial of topical brimonidine purite. AJO 140:407-415, 2005
4)Lam BL, Feuer WJ, Abukhalil F et al:Leber hereditary optic neuropathy gene therapy clinical trial recruitment. Arch Ophthalmol 128:1129-1135, 2010
5)Newman NJ:Hereditary optic neuropathis:from the mitochondria to the optic nerve. Am J Ophthalmol 140:517-523, 2005
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9)Ju WK, Kim YK, Lindsey JD et al:Intraocular pressure elevation induces mitochondrial fission and triggers OPA1 release in glaucomatous optic nerve. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 49:4903-4911, 2008
10)Harding AE, Sweeney MG, Miller DH et al:Occurrence of a multiple sclerosis-like illness in women who have a Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy mitochondrial DNA mutation. Brain 115:979-989, 1992
11)Verny C, Loiseau D, Scherer C et al:Multiple sclerosis-like disorder in OPA1-related autosomal dominat optic atrophy. Neurology 70:1152-1153, 2008
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13)Chung KW, Kim SB, Park KD et al.:Early onset severe and late-onset mild Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease with mitofusin 2(MFN2)mutations. Brain 129:2103-2118, 2006
14)室谷英治・大久保真司・東出朋巳・他:mitofusin2の遺伝子変異を認めた遺伝性運動感覚ニューロパチーⅥ型の一例.神経眼科 25(増補):91,2008





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