連載 今月の話題
1)横山 連:固定内斜視の画像診断と手術.日本の眼科 74:461-464,2003
2)Nishida Y, Inatomi A, Aoki Y et al:A muscle transposition procedure for abducens palsy, in which the halves of the vertical rectus muscle bellies are sutured onto the sclera. Jpn J Ophthalmol 47:281-286, 2003
3)西田保裕:神経眼科疾患 固定内斜視.眼科 51:1655-1658,2009
4)Yamaguchi M, Yokoyama T, Shiraki K:Surgical procedure for correcting globe dislocation in highly myopic strabismus. Am J Ophthalmol 149:341-346, 2010
5)田中久子・新名亜紀子・三村 治:上斜筋前部前転術の長期予後.眼科手術 13:299-303,2000
6)Helveston EM, Mora JS, Lipsky SN et al:Surgical treatment of superior oblique palsy. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 94:315-328, 1996
7)目黒千章・木村亜紀子・木村直樹・他:上下直筋水平移動術の回旋矯正効果とその影響因子.眼臨医報 100:187-189,2006
8)林 孝雄:麻痺性斜視治療の可能性と限界 麻痺性斜視の一般的手術法.眼臨紀 5:33-37,2012
9)Okamoto M, Kimura A, Masuda A et al:Surgical effects of nasal transposition of inferior rectus muscle—135 cases of acquired superior oblique palsy. Clin Ophthalmol 18:691-695, 2015
10)三村 治・内海隆生・木村亜紀子・他:眼運動神経麻痺の予後 薬物治療でどこまで治るか? 眼臨医報 101:178-181,2007
11)Bartalena L, Baldeschi L, Dickinson A et al:European Group on Graves' Orbitopathy(EUGOGO):consensus statement of the European Group on Graves'orbitopathy(EUGOGO)on management of GO. Eur J Endocrinol 158:273-285, 2008
12)西田保裕:甲状腺眼症に対する手術治療 斜視手術.眼科手術 26:329-333,2013
13)Harrad R:Management of strabismus in thyroid eye disease. Eye 29:234-237, 2015
14)Kushner BJ:“A”, “V”, and other alphabet pattern strabismus. In:Taylor D, Hoyt CS, eds. Pediatric ophthalmology and strabismus. 3rd ed. 922-931, Elsevier Saunders, London, England, 2005
15)Kushner BJ:Insertion slanting strabismus surgical procedures. Arch Ophthalmol 129:1620-1625, 2011
16)Knapp P:The surgical treatment of double-elevator paralysis. Trans Am Ophthalmol Soc 67:304-323, 1969
17)Kushner BJ:Torsion and pattern strabismus:potential conflicts in treatment. AMA Ophthalmol 131:190-193, 2013
18)Molarte AB, Rosenbaum AL:Vertical rectus muscle transposition surgery for Duane's syndrome. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 27:171-177, 1990
19)Rosenbaum AL:Costenbader Lecture. The efficacy of rectus muscle transposition surgery in esotropic Duane syndrome and VI nerve palsy. J AAPOS 8:409-419, 2004