連載 今月の話題
萎縮型加齢黄斑変性は今後わが国でも増加する可能性がある重要疾患である。前駆病変として,従来の軟性ドルーゼンに加えreticular pseudodrusenやrefractile drusenの重要性,本年策定されたわが国の診断基準と注目されるOCT所見,その進行の特徴と治療の現況について述べる。
1)Klein ML, Ferris FL 3rd, Armstrong J et al:Retinal precursors and the development of geographic atrophy in age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmology 115:1026-1031, 2008
2)Alten F, Eter N:Current knowledge on reticular pseudodrusen in age-related macular degeneration. Br J Ophthalmol 99:717-722, 2015
3)Zweifel SA, Spaide RF, Curcio CA et al:Reticular pseudodrusen are subretinal drusenoid deposits. Ophthalmology 117:303-312, 2010
4)Rudolf M, Malek G, Messinger JD:Sub-retinal drusenoid deposits in human retina:Organization and composition. Exp Eye Res 87:402-408, 2008
5)Bats FD, Tathis T, Mauget-Faysse M et al:Prevalence of reticular pseudodrusen in age-related macular degeneration using multimodal imaging. Retina, 2015 June 17[Epub ahead]
6)Ueda-Arakawa N, Ooto S, Nakata I et al:Prevalence and genomic association of reticular pseudodrusen in age-related macular degeneration. Am J Ophthalmol 155:260-269, 2013
7)Finger RP, Wu Z, Luu CD et al:Reticular pseudodrusen. A risk factor for geographic atrophy in fellow eyes of individuals with unilateral choroidal neovascularization. Ophthalmology 121:1252-1256, 2014
8)Hogg RE, Silva R, Staurenghi G et al:Clinical characteristics of reticular pseudodrusen in the fellow eye of the patients with unilateral neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmology 121:1748-1755, 2014
9)Suzuki M, Sato T, Spaide RF:Pseudodrusen subtypes as delineated by multimodal imaging of the fundus. Am J Ophthalmol 157:1005-1012, 2014
10)Ueda-Arakawa N, Ooto S, Ellabban AA et al:Macular choroidal thickness and volume of eyes with reticular oseudodrusen using swept-source oprical coherence tomography. Am J Ophthalmol 157:994-1004, 2014
11)Haas P, Esmaeelpour M, Ansari-Shahrezaei et al:Choroidal thickness in patients with reticular pseudodrusen using 3D 1060-nm OCT maps. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 55:2674-2681, 2014
12)Garg A, Oll M, Yzer S et al:Reticular pseudodrusen in early age-related macular degeneration are associated with choroidal thinning. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 54:7075-7081, 2013
13)Spaide RF:Outer retinal atrophy after regression of subretinal drusenoid deposits as a newly recognized form of late age-related macular degeneration. Retina 33:1800-1808, 2013
14)Ooto S, Suzuki M, Vongkulsiri S et al:Multimodal visual function testing in eyes with nonexudative age-related macular degeneration. Retina 2015 Apr29[Epub ahead]
15)Suzuki M, Curcio CA, Mullins RF et al:Refractile drusen. Clinical imaging and candidate histology. Retina 35:859-865, 2015
16)Bonnet C, Querques G, Zerbib J et al:Hyperreflective pyramidal structures on optical coherence tomography in geographic atrophy areas. Retina 34:1524-1530, 2014
17)髙橋寛二・白神史雄・石田 晋・他;厚生労働省網膜脈絡膜・視神経萎縮症調査研究班 萎縮型加齢黄斑変性診療ガイドライン作成ワーキンググループ:萎縮型加齢黄斑変性の診断基準.日眼会誌 119:671-677,2015
18)髙橋寛二・石橋達朗・小椋祐一郎・他;厚生労働省網膜脈絡膜・視神経萎縮症調査研究班 加齢黄斑変性診断基準作成ワーキンググループ:加齢黄斑変性の分類と診断基準.日眼会誌 112:1076-1084,2008
19)Zweifel SA, Engelbert M, Laud K et al:Outer retinal tabulation. A novel optical coherence tomography finding. Arch Ophthalmol 127:1596-1602, 2009
20)Schaal KB, Freund KB, Litts KM et al:Outer retinal tabulation in advanced age-related macular degeneration. Optical coherence tomogtaphic findings correspond to histology, Retina 35:1339-1350, 2015
21)Litts KM, Messinger JD, Freund KB et al:Inner segment remodeling and mitochondrial translocation in cone photoreceptors in age-related macular degeneration with outer retinal tabulation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 56:2243-2253, 2015
22)Hariri A, Nittala MG, Sadda SVR:Outer retinal tabulation as a predictor of the enlargement amount of geographic atrophy in age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmology 122:407-413, 2015
23)Ooto S, Vongkulsiri S, Sato T et al:Outer retinal corrugation in age-related macular degeneration. JAMA Ophthalmol 132:806-813, 2014
24)Sunnes JS, Applegate CA, Bressler NM et al:Designing clinical trials for age-related geographic atrophy of the macula. Enrollment data from the geographic atrophy natural history study. Retina 27:204-210, 2007
25)Sunnes JS, Margalit E, Srikumaran D et al:The long-term natural history of geographic atrophy from age-related macular degeneration:Enlargement of atrophy and implications for interventional clinical trials. Ophthalmology 114:271-277, 2007
26)Schatz H, McDonald HR:Atrophic macular degeneration. Rate of spread of geographic atrophy and visual loss. Ophthalmology 96:1541-1551, 1989
27)Macular photocoagulation study group:Five-year follow up of fellow eyes of patients with age-related macular degeneration and unilateral extrafoveal choroidal neovascularization. Arch Ophthalmol 111:1189-1199, 1993
28)Macular photocoagulation study group:Risk factors for choroidal neovascularization in the second eyes of patients with juxtafoveal choroidal neovascularization secondary to age-related macular degeneration. Arch Ophthalmol 115:741-747, 1997
29)Sunness JS, Gonzalez-Baron J, Bressler NM et al:The development of choroidal neovascularization in eyes with the geographic atrophy form of age-related macular degeneration. Ophthalmology 106:910-919, 1999
30)Age-Related Eye Disease Study Research Group:The age-related eye disease study severity scale for age-related macular degeneration. AREDS Report No17. Arch Ophthalmol 123:1484-1489, 2005
31)Sunnes JS:The natural history of geographic atrophy, the advanced atrophic form of age-related macular degeneration. Mol Vision 5:25, 1999
32)Saade C, Ganti B, Marmor M et al:Risk characteristics of the combined geographic atrophy and choroidal neovascularization phenotype in age-related macular degeneration. Br J Ophthalmol 98:1729-1732, 2014
33)髙橋寛二・小椋祐一郎・石橋達朗・他;厚生労働省網膜脈絡膜・視神経萎縮症調査研究班加齢黄斑変性治療指針作成ワーキンググループ:加齢黄斑変性の治療指針.日眼会誌 116:1150-1155,2012
34)Age-related eye disease study research group:A randomized, placebo-controlled, clinical trial of high-dose supplementation with vitamins C and E, beta carotene, and zinc for age-related macular degeneration and vision loss:AREDS report no. 8. Arch Ophthalmol 119:1417-1436, 2001
35)AREDS research group:Change in area of geographic atrophy in the age-related eye disease study. AREDS report number 26. Arch Ophthalmol 127:1168-1174, 2009
36)Joachimn N, Mitchell P, Rochtchina E et al:Incidence and progression of reticular drusen in age-related macular degeneration. Findings from an older Australian cohort. Ophthalmology 121:917-925, 2014
37)Holz FG, Strauss EC, Schmitz-Valckenberg S et al:Geographic atrophy. Clinical features and potential therapeutic approaches. Ophthalmology 121:1079-1091, 2014
38)Yehoshua Z, Filho CAAG, Nunes RP et al:Systemic complement inhibition with eclizumab for geographic atrophy in age-related macular degeneration. The COMPLETE Study. Ophthalmology 121:693-701, 2014
39)Wong WT, Dresner S, Forooghian F et al Treatment of geographic atrophy with subconjunctival silorimus:Results of a phase Ⅰ/Ⅱ clinical trial. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 54:2941-2950, 2013
40)Wong WT, Kam W, Cunningham D et al:Treatment of geographic atrophy by topical administration of OT-551:Results of a phase Ⅱ clinical trial. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 51:6131-6139, 2010
41)Dugel PU, Novack RL, Csaky KG:Phase Ⅱ, Randomized, placebo-controlled, 90-day study if emixustat hydrochloride in geographic atrophy associated with dry age-related macular degeneration. Retina 35:1173-1183, 2015