連載 今月の話題
1)木下 茂・天野史郎・井上幸次・他:角膜内皮障害の重症度分類.日眼会誌 118:81-83,2014
2)Nakagawa H, Inatomi T, Hieda O et al:Clinical outcomes in Descemet stripping automated endothelial keratoplasty with internationally shipped precut donor corneas. Am J Ophthalmol 157:50-55, 2014
3)小泉範子・西田幸二・天野史郎・他:日本における角膜再生医療の現状.日眼会誌 111:493-503,2007
4)Ishino Y, Sano Y, Nakamura T et al:Amniotic membrane as a carrier for cultivated human corneal endothelial cell transplantation. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 45:800-806, 2004
5)Mimura T, Yamagami S, Yokoo S et al:Cultured human corneal endothelial cell transplantation with a collagen sheet in a rabbit model. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 45:2992-2997, 2004
6)Ide T, Nishida K, Yamato M et al:Structural characterization of bioengineered human corneal endothelial cell sheets fabricated on temperature-responsive culture dishes. Biomaterials 27:607-614, 2006
7)Sumide T, Nishida K, Yamato M et al:Functional human corneal endothelial cell sheets harvested from temperature-responsive culture surfaces. Faseb J 20:392-394, 2006
8)Koizumi N, Sakamoto Y, Okumura N et al:Cultivated corneal endothelial cell sheet transplantation in a primate model. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 48:4519-4526, 2007
9)Koizumi N, Sakamoto Y, Okumura N et al:Cultivated corneal endothelial transplantation in a primate. Possible clinical application in corneal endothelial regenerative medicine. Cornea 27:S48-55, 2008
10)Koizumi N, Okumura N, Kinoshita S:Development of new therapeutic modalities for corneal endothelial disease focused on the proliferation of corneal endothelial cells using animal models. Exp Eye Res 95:60-67, 2012
11)Watanabe K, Ueno M, Kamiya D et al:A ROCK inhibitor permits survival of dissociated human embryonic stem cells. Nat Biotechnol 25:681-686, 2007
12)Okumura N, Ueno M, Koizumi N et al:Enhancement of primate corneal endothelial cell survival in vitro by a ROCK inhibitor. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 50:3680-3687, 2009
13)Nakahara M, Okumura N, Kay EP et al:Corneal endothelial expansion promoted by human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cell-derived conditioned medium. PLoS One 8:e69009, 2013
14)Okumura N, Kay EP, Nakahara M et al:Inhibition of TGF-beta signaling enables human corneal endothelial cell expansion in vitro for use in regenerative medicine. PLoS One 8:e58000, 2013
15)Okumura N, Koizumi N, Ueno M et al:ROCK inhibitor converts corneal endothelial cell into a phenotype capable of regenerating in vivo endothelial tissue. Am J Pathol 181:268-277, 2012
16)Okumura N, Koizumi N, Ueno M et al:Enhancement of corneal endothelium wound healing by a ROCK inhibitor eye drop. Br J Ophthalmol 95:1006-1009, 2011
17)Okumura N, Koizumi N, Ueno M et al:The new therapeutic concept of using a rho kinase inhibitor for the treatment of corneal endothelial dysfunction. Cornea 30:S54-59, 2011
18)Okumura N, Nakano S, Kay EP et al:Involvement of cyclin D and p27 in cell proliferation mediated by ROCK Inhibitors Y-27632 and Y-39983 during corneal endothelium wound healing. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 55:318-329, 2014
19)Okumura N, Koizumi N, Kay EP et al:The ROCK inhibitor eye drop accelerates corneal endothelium wound healing. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 54:2493-2502, 2013
20)Koizumi N, Okumura N, Ueno M et al:Rho-associated kinase inhibitor eye drop treatment as a possible medical treatment for Fuchs corneal dystrophy. Cornea 32:1167-1170, 2013