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特集 第69回日本臨床眼科学会講演集[1]



著者: 八百枝潔12 福島淳志1 白柏基宏3 栂野哲哉2 坂上悠太2 末武亜紀2 福地健郎2

所属機関: 1やおえだ眼科 2新潟大学大学院医歯学総合研究科視覚病態学分野 3木戸眼科クリニック

ページ範囲:P.323 - P.329


要約 目的:原発開放隅角緑内障(POAG)眼で,3種の眼圧計で眼圧を測定し,中心角膜厚と角膜生体力学特性による補正値を算出し,これと中心角膜厚と年齢の相関を検索した報告。





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14)Tejwani S, Shetty R, Kurien M et al:Biomechanics of the cornea evaluated by spectral analysis of waveforms from ocular response analyzer and Corvis-ST. PLoS One 27:9:e97591, 2014
15)Leite MT, Alencar LM, Gore C et al:Comparison of corneal biomechanical properties between healthy blacks and whites using the Ocular Response Analyzer. Am J Ophthalmol 150:163-168, 2010
16)Haseltine SJ, Pae J, Ehrlich JR et al:Variation in corneal hysteresis and central corneal thickness among black, Hispanic and white subjects. Acta Ophthalmol 90:e626-631, 2012
17)Ouyang PB, Li CY, Zhu XH et al:Assessment of intraocular pressure measured by Reichert ocular response analyzer, Goldmann applanation tonometry, and dynamic contour tonometry in healthy individuals. Int J Ophthalmol 5:102-107, 2011
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19)Wu KY, Wang HZ, Hong SJ:Effect of latanoprost on cultured porcine corneal stromal cells. Curr Eye Res 30:871-879, 2005
20)Bayoumi NH, Bessa AS, El Massry AA:Ocular response analyzer and Goldmann applanation tonometry:a comparative study of findings. J Glaucoma 19:627-631, 2010





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