連載 今月の話題
1)島崎 潤・横井則彦・渡辺 仁・他:日本のドライアイの定義と診断基準の改定(2016年版).あたらしい眼科(印刷中)
2)島﨑 潤:ドライアイの定義と診断基準.眼科37:765-770,1995
3)島崎 潤・坪田一男・木下 茂・他:2006年ドライアイ診断基準.あたらしい眼科24:181-184,2007
4)The International Dry Eye WorkShop:The definition and classification of dry eye disease:report of the Definition and Classification Subcommittee of the International Dry Eye WorkShop. Ocul Surf 5:75-92, 2007
5)Tsubota K, Yokoi N, Shimazaki J et al:New perspectives on dry eye definition and diagnosis:A consensus report by the Asia dry eye society. Ocul Surf 15:65-76, 2017
6)Kawashima M, Yamada M, Suwaki K et al:A clinic-based survey of clinical characteristics and practice pattern of dry eye in Japan. Adv Ther published online 2017, DOI 10.1007/s12325-017-0487-x
7)Yokoi N, Uchino M, Uchino Y et al:Importance of tear film instability in dry eye disease in office workers using visual display terminals:the Osaka study. Am J Ophthalmol 159:748-754, 2015
9)Mizuno Y, Yamada M, Miyake Y et al:Association between clinical diagnostic tests and health-related quality of life surveys in patients with dry eye syndrome. Jpn J Ophthalmol 54:259-265, 2010
10)Rosenthal P, Borsook D:Ocular neuropathic pain. Br J Ophthalmol. 100:128-134, 2016
11)Toda I, Shimazaki J, Tsubota K:Dry eye with only decreased tear break-up time is sometimes associated with allergic conjunctivitis. Ophthalmology 102:302-309, 1995
12)Mizuno Y, Yamada M, Shigeyasu C et al:Annual direct cost of dry eye in Japan. Clin Ophthalmol 6:755-760, 2012
14)Shigeyasu C, Yamada M, Akune Y et al:Diquafosol for contact lens dryness:Clinical evaluation and tear analysis. Optom Vis Sci 93:973-978, 2016
15)Shigeyasu C, Yamada M, Akune Y et al:Diquafosol sodium ophthalmic solution for the treatment of dry eye:clinical evaluation and biochemical analysis of tear composition. Jpn J Ophthalmol 59:415-420, 2015