特集 第70回日本臨床眼科学会講演集[4]
要約 目的:線維柱帯切開術(TLO)と線維柱帯切除術(TLE)が行われた後に眼圧コントロールが不良となり,トラベクトーム手術が行われた2症例の報告。
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4)Shigeeda T, Tomidokoro A, Chen YN et al:Long-term follow-up of initial trabeculectomy with mitomycin C for primary open-angle glaucoma in Japanese patients. J Glaucoma 15:195-199, 2006
5)Issa de Fendi L, Cena de Oliveira T, Bigheti Pereira C et al:Additive effect of risk factors for trabeculectomy failure in glaucoma patients:a risk-group from a cohort study. J Glaucoma 25:879-883, 2016
6)Awai-Kasaoka N, Inoue T, Inatani M et al:Prognostic factors in trabeculectomy with mitomycin C having history of previous glaucoma surgery. Jpn J Ophthalmol 57:514-519, 2013
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10)Tanihara H, Negi A, Akimoto M et al:Surgical effects of trabeculotomy ab externo on adult eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma and pseudoexfoliation syndrome. Arch Ophthalmol 111:1653-1661, 1993
12)Mizoguchi T, Nagata M, Matsumura M et al:Surgical effects of combined trabeculotomy and sinusotomy compared to trabeculotomy alone. Acta Ophthalmol Scand 78:191-195, 2000
13)Shoji N, Kasahara M, Iijima A et al:Short-term evaluation of trabectome surgery performed on Japanese patients with open-angle glaucoma. Jpn J Ophthalmol 60:156-165, 2016
14)宮原照良・黒川 徹・柳平朋子・他:トラベクレクトミー既往眼に対する下方へのサイヌソトミー併用トラベクロトミーの手術成績.眼臨紀3:81,2010
15)Jea SY, Mosaed S, Vold SD et al:Effect of a failed trabectome on subsequent trabeculectomy. J Glaucoma 21:71-75, 2012
16)Bussel II, Kaplowitz K, Schuman JS et al:Outcomes of ab interno trabeculectomy with the trabectome after failed trabeculectomy. Br J Ophthalmol 99:258-262, 2015
17)Wecker T, Neuburger M, Bryniok L et al:Ab interno trabeculectomy with the trabectome as a valuable therapeutic option for failed filtering blebs. J Glaucoma 25:758-762, 2016
18)Mosaed S, Chak G, Haider A et al:Results of trabectome surgery following failed glaucoma tube shunt implantation:cohort study. Medicine 94:1045, 2015