連載 今月の話題
近年,眼科領域においても,ベーチェット病や難治性ぶどう膜炎に対して,分子標的薬である腫瘍壊死因子(tumor necrosis factor:TNF)阻害薬が適応承認されてきた。これらの生物学的製剤は高い有効性が期待される一方で,使用にあたっては細心の注意が必要である。そこで,本稿では昨年,日本眼炎症学会で策定した「非感染性ぶどう膜炎に対するTNF阻害薬使用指針および安全対策マニュアル」について解説する。
2)Ohno S, Nakamura S, Hori S et al:Efficacy, Safety, and Pharmacokinetics of Multiple Administration of Infliximab in Behçet's Disease with Refractory Uveoretinitis. J Rheumatol 31:1362-1368, 2004
3)Okada AA, Goto H, Ohno S et al:Multicenter Study of Infliximab for Refractory Uveoretinitis in Behçet's Disease. Arch Ophthalmol 130:592-598, 2012
5)Jaffe GJ, Dick AD, Brezin AP et al:Adalimumab in Patients with Active Noninfectious Uveitis. N Engl J Med 375:932-943, 2016
6)Nguyen Q, Merrill PT, Jaffe GL et al:Adalimumab for prevention of uveitic flare in patients with inactive non-infectious uveitis controlled by corticosteroids(VISUAL II):a multicentre, double-masked, randomised, placebo-controlled phase 3 trial. Lancet 388:1183-1192, 2016
7)Santos-Gomez M, Calvo-Rio V, Blanco R et al:The effect of biologic therapy different from infliximab or adalimumab in patients with refractory uveitis due to Behçet's disease:results of a multicentre open-label study. Clin Exp Rheumatol 34(Suppl):34-40, 2016
8)Karube H, Kamoi K, Ohno-Matsui K:Anti-TNF therapy in the management of ocular attacks in an elderly patient with long-standing Behçet's disease. Int Med Case Rep J 9:301-304, 2016
9)Orandi AB, Eutsler E, Ferguson C et al:Sarcoidosis presenting as granulomatous myositis in a 16-year-old adolescent. Pediatr Rheumatol Online J 14:59, 2016
10)Couto C, Schlaen A, Frick M et al:Adalimumab Treatment in Patients with Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Disease. Ocul Immunol Inflam:doi 10.1080/09273948, 2016[Epub ahead of print].
11)Takeuchi T, Tatsuki Y, Nogami Y et al:Postmarketing surveillance of the safety profile of infliximab in 5000 Japanese patients with rheumatoid arthritis. Ann Rheum Dis 67:189-194, 2008
12)Koike T, Harigai M, Ishiguro N et al:Safety and effectiveness of adalimumab in Japanese rheumatoid arthritis patients:postmarketing surveillance report of the first 3,000 patients. Mod Rheumatol 22:498-508, 2012
13)Hui CK, Sun J, Au WY et al:Occult hepatitis B virus infection in hematopoietic stem cell donors in a hepatitis B virus endemic area. J Hepatol 42:813-819, 2005
14)Kawatani T, Suou T, Tajima F et al:Incidence of hepatitis virus infection and severe liver dysfunction in patients receiving chemotherapy for hematologic malignancies. Eur J Haematol 67:45-50, 2001
16)TNF neutralization in MS:results of a randomized, placebo-controlled multicenter study. The Lenercept Multiple Sclerosis Study Group and The University of British Columbia MS/MRI Analysis Group. Neurology 53:457-465, 1999
17)van Oosten BW, Barkhof F, Truyen L et al:Increased MRI activity and immune activation in two multiple sclerosis patients treated with the monoclonal anti-tumor necrosis factor antibody cA2. Neurology 47:1531-1534, 1996
18)Robinson WH, Genovese MC, Moreland LW:Demyelinating and neurologic events reported in association with tumor necrosis factor alpha antagonism:by what mechanisms could tumor necrosis factor alpha antagonists improve rheumatoid arthritis but exacerbate multiple sclerosis? Arthritis Rheum 44:1977-1983, 2001
19)Singh JA, Furst DE, Bharat A et al:2012 update of the 2008 American College of Rheumatology recommendations for the use of disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs and biologic agents in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Care Res(Hoboken) 64:625-639, 2012
20)Cepeda EJ, Williams FM, Ishimori ML et al:The use of anti-tumour necrosis factor therapy in HIV-positive individuals with rheumatic disease. Ann Rheum Dis 67:710-712, 2008
21)Hua C, Barnetche T, Combe B et al:Effect of methotrexate, anti-tumor necrosis factor α, and rituximab on the immune response to influenza and pneumococcal vaccines in patients with rheumatoid arthritis:a systematic review and meta-analysis. Arthritis Care Res(Hoboken) 66:1016-1026, 2014
22)van der Woude CJ, Ardizzone S, Bengtson MB(Oxford)et al:European Crohn's and Colitis Organization. The second European evidenced-based consensus on reproduction and pregnancy in inflammatory bowel disease. J Crohns Colitis 9:107-124, 2015
23)Saag KG, Teng GG, Patkar NM et al:American College of Rheumatology 2008 recommendations for the use of nonbiologic and biologic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs in rheumatoid arthritis. Arthritis Rheum 59:762-784, 2008
24)Ding T, Ledingham J, Luqmani R et al:BSR and BHPR rheumatoid arthritis guidelines on safety of anti-TNF therapies. Rheumatology(Oxford) 49:2217-2219, 2010
25)Pham T, Claudepierre P, Deprez X et al:Anti-TNF alpha therapy and safety monitoring. Clinical tool guide elaborated by the Club Rhumatismes et Inflammations(CRI), section of the French Society of Rheumatology(Société Française de Rhumatologie, SFR). Joint Bone Spine 72(Suppl 1):S1-58, 2005