増刊号 実戦 メディカル眼科治療アップデート
メディカル眼科治療 各論 Ⅰ 外眼部疾患・前眼部疾患・屈折異常
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2)Üstüntürk-Onan M, Walochnik J:Identification of free-living amoebae isolated from tap water in Istanbul, Turkey. Exp Parasitol 195:34-37, 2018
3)De Craene S, Knoeri J, Georgeon C et al:Assessment of confocal microscopy for the diagnosis of polymerase chain reaction-positive acanthamoeba keratitis:A case-control study. Ophthalmology 125:161-168, 2018
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7)Hernández-Martínez D, Reyes-Batlle M, Castelan-Ramírez I et al:Evaluation of the sensitivity to chlorhexidine, voriconazole and itraconazole of T4 genotype Acanthamoeba isolated from Mexico. Exp Parasito 197:29-35, 2019
8)Sacher BA, Wagoner MD, Goins KM et al:Treatment of acanthamoeba keratitis with intravenous pentamidine before therapeutic keratoplasty. Cornea 34:49-53, 2015
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