増刊号 実戦 メディカル眼科治療アップデート
メディカル眼科治療 各論 Ⅴ ぶどう膜炎・眼内炎症・腫瘍性疾患
1)Lee SY, Cheng V, Rodger D et al:Clinical and laboratory characteristics of ocular syphilis:a new face in the era of HIV co-infection. J Ophthalmic Inflamm Infect 5:26, 2015
2)Ohguro N, Sonoda KH, Takeuchi M et al:The 2009 prospective multi-center epidemiologic survey of uveitis in Japan. Jpn J Ophthalmol 56:432-435, 2012
DNA detection in aqueous and vitreous of patients with uveitis. Arch Med Res 34:116-119, 2003
4)Troutbeck R, Chhabra R, Jones NP:Polymerase chain reaction testing of vitreous in atypical ocular syphilis. Ocul Immunol Inflamm 21:227-230, 2013
5)Silpa-Archa S, Preble JM, Foster CS:Vitreous treponemal antibody as a supplementary test to serology for the confirmation of syphilitic chorioretinitis. Retin Cases Brief Rep doi:10.1097/ICB.0000000000000676, 2017
6)Janier M, Hegyi V, Dupin N et al:2014 European guideline on the management of syphilis. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol 28:1581-1593, 2014
7)日本性感染症学会:性感染症 診断・治療ガイドライン2016.日性感染症会誌27:46-50,2016
8)Bollemeijer JG, Wieringa WG, Missotten TO et al:Clinical manifestations and outcome of syphilitic uveitis. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 57:404-411, 2016
9)Moradi A, Salek S, Daniel E et al:Clinical features and incidence rates of ocular complications in patients with ocular syphilis. Am J Ophthalmol 159:334-343, 2015