特集 第72回日本臨床眼科学会講演集[4]
1)Machemer R, Parel JM, Buettner H:A new concept for vitreous surgery. I. Instrumentation. Am J Ophthalmol 73:1-7, 1972
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7)山田健司・佐野公彦・井上 真・他:当院での網膜剝離に対する手術の比較検討.第122回日本眼科学会総会抄録集:9-22,2018
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11)Ohno-Matsui K, Hirakata A, Inoue M et al:Evaluation of congenital optic disc pits and optic disc colobomas by swept-source optical coherence tomography. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 54:7769-7778, 2013
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13)Rii T, Hirakata A, Inoue M:Comparative findings in childhood-onset versus adult-onset optic disc pit maculopathy. Acta Ophthalmol 91:429-433, 2013
14)津田麻祐子・佐野公彦・井上 真・他:乳頭ピットに伴う黄斑剝離の自然緩解例の検討.臨床眼科学会抄録集,2016
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18)Hirakata A, Okada AA, Hida T:Long-term results of vitrectomy without laser treatment for macular detachment associated with an optic disc pit. Ophthalmology 112:1430-1435, 2005
19)Hirakata A, Hida T, Ogasawara A et al:Multilayered retinoschisis associated with optic disc pit. Jpn J Ophthalmol 49:414-416, 2005
20)Hirakata A, Inoue M, Hiraoka T et al:Vitrectomy without laser treatment or gas tamponade for macular detachment associated with an optic disc pit. Ophthalmology 119:810-818, 2012
21)Kuhn F, Kover F, Szabo I et al:Intracranial migration of silicone oil from an eye with optic pit. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 244:1360-1362, 2006
22)Czajka MP, Stopa M, Sosnowski P et al:New insight into the pathology of macular detachment associated with an optic disc pit. Acta Ophthalmol 88:e241-242, 2010
23)Johnson TM, Johnson MW:Pathogenic implications of subretinal gas migration through pits and atypical colobomas of the optic nerve. Arch Ophthalmol 122:1793-1800, 2004
24)Hirakata A, Hida T, Wakabayashi T et al:Unusual posterior hyaloid strand in a young child with optic disc pit maculopathy:Intraoperative and histopathological findings. Jpn J Ophthalmol 49:264-266, 2005
25)Sano M, Hirakata A, Kita Y et al:Unsuccessful risk factors following vitrectomy for optic disc pit maculopathy.(in preparation)
26)Travassos AS, Regadas I, Alfaiate M et al:Optic pit:novel surgical management of complicated cases. Retina 33:1708-1714, 2013
27)Ooto S, Mittra RA, Ridley ME et al:Vitrectomy with inner retinal fenestration for optic disc pit maculopathy. Ophthalmology 121:1727-1733, 2014
28)Hara R, Tsukahara Y, Simoyama T et al:Refined Internal Limiting Membrane Inverted Flap Technique for Intractable Macular Detachment with Optic Disc Pit. Case Rep Ophthalmol 8:208-213, 2017
29)Mohammed OA, Pai A:Inverted autologous internal limiting membrane for management of optic disc pit with macular detachment. Middle East Afr J Ophthalmol 20:357-359, 2013
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37)Hollander DA, Barricks ME, Duncan JL et al:Macular schisis detachment associated with angle-closure glaucoma. Arch Ophthalmol 123:270-272, 2005
38)Lee EJ, Kim TW, Kim M et al:Peripapillary retinoschisis in glaucomatous eyes. PLoS One 9:e90129, 2014
39)Inoue M, Itoh Y, Rii T et al:Spontaneous resolution of peripapillary retinoschisis associated with glaucomatous optic neuropathy. Acta Ophthalmol 93:e317-318, 2015
40)Zumbro DS, Jampol LM, Folk JC et al:Macular schisis and detachment associated with presumed acquired enlarged optic nerve head cups. Am J Ophthalmol 144:70-74, 2007
41)Berdahl JP, Allingham RR, Johnson DH:Cerebrospinal fluid pressure is decreased in primary open-angle glaucoma. Ophthalmology 115:763-768, 2008
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43)Inoue M, Itoh Y, Rii T et al:Macular retinoschisis associated with glaucomatous optic neuropathy in eyes with normal intraocular pressure. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 253:1447-1456, 2015
44)五月女典久・平形明人・井上 真・他:乳頭小窩黄斑症に類似した網膜分離を呈した硝子体黄斑牽引症候群の1例.あたらしい眼科25:109-113,2008
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47)Takano M, Kishi S:Foveal retinoschisis and retinal detachment in severely myopic eyes with posterior staphyloma. Am J Ophthalmol 128:472-476, 1999
48)Sayanagi K, Ikuno Y, Tano Y:Spontaneous resolution of retinoschisis and consequent development of retinal detachment in highly myopic eye. Br J Ophthalmol 90:652-653, 2006
49)Ikuno Y, Sayanagi K, Ohji M et al:Vitrectomy and internal limiting membrane peeling for myopic foveoschisis. Am J Ophthalmol 137:719-724, 2004
50)Hirakata A, Hida T:Vitrectomy for myopic posterior retinoschisis or foveal detachment. Jpn J Ophthalmol 50:53-61, 2006
51)Spaide RF, Fisher Y:Removal of adherent cortical vitreous plaques without removing the internal limiting membrane in the repair of macular detachments in highly myopic eyes. Retina 25:290-295, 2005
52)Kobayashi H, Kishi S:Vitreous surgery for highly myopic eyes with foveal detachment and retinoschisis. Ophthalmology 110:1702-177, 2003
53)Futagami S, Inoue M, Hirakata A:Removal of internal limiting membrane for recurrent myopic traction maculopathy. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 36:782-785, 2008
54)Yokota R, Hirakata A, Hayashi N et al:Ultrastructural analyses of internal limiting membrane excised from highly myopic eyes with myopic traction maculopathy. Jpn J Ophthalmol 62:84-91, 2018
55)Kumagai K, Hangai M, Larson E et al:Progressive changes of regional macular thickness after macular hole surgery with internal limiting membrane peeling. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 54:4491-4497, 2013
56)Taniuchi S, Hirakata A, Itoh Y et al:Vitrectomy with or without internal limiting membrane peeling for each stage of myopic traction maculopathy. Retina 33:2018-2025, 2013
57)Huang Y, Huang W, Ng DSC et al:Risk factors for development of macular hole retinal detachment after pars plana vitrectomy for pathologic myopic foveoschisis. Retina 37:1049-1054, 2017
58)Gao X, Ikuno Y, Fujimoto S et al:Risk factors for development of full-thickness macular holes after pars plana vitrectomy for myopic foveoschisis. Am J Ophthalmol 155:1021-1027, 2013
59)Shimada N, Sugamoto Y, Ogawa M et al:Fovea-sparing internal limiting membrane peeling for myopic traction maculopathy. Am J Ophthalmol 154:693-701, 2012
60)Mateo C, Burés-Jelstrup A, Navarro R et al:Macular buckling for eyes with myopic foveoschisis secondary to posterior staphyloma. Retina 32:1121-1128, 2012
61)Burés-Jelstrup A, Alkabes M, Gómez-Resa M et al:Visual and anatomical outcome after macular buckling for macular hole with associated foveoschisis in highly myopic eyes. Br J Ophthalmol 98:104-109, 2014
62)Parolini B, Frisina R, Pinackatt S et al:Indications and results of a new l-shaped macular buckle to support a posterior staphyloma in high myopia. Retina 35:2469-2482, 2015
63)Ando Y, Hirakata A, Ohara A et al:Vitrectomy and scleral imbrication in patients with myopic traction maculopathy and macular hole retinal detachment. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 255:673-680, 2017
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71)Hirota K, Keino H, Inoue M et al:Comparisons of microRNA expression profiles in vitreous humor between eyes with macular hole and eyes with proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 253:335-342, 2015
74)田中恵津子・西脇友紀・平形明人・他:ロービジョン児のハビリテーションのための新しい視機能評価の試み 7歳児脈絡膜コロボーマの1例.眼臨96:52-56,2002
75)田中恵津子:疾患別ロービジョンケア 網膜色素変性症・緑内障・糖尿病網膜症 糖尿病網膜症患者を対象としたロービジョンケアの特性.眼紀57:498-505,2006