連載 症例から学ぶ 白内障手術の実践レクチャー・術後編25
Q 白内障手術後しばらく来院されなかった患者さんが,視力低下を主訴に来院されました。細隙灯で観察すると,眼内レンズ(intraocular lens:IOL)が混濁しているように見えます(図1)。どうすればよいでしょうか?
2)Matsushima H, Mukai K, Nagata M et al:Analysis of surface whitening of extracted hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lenses. J Cataract Refract Surg 35:1927-1934, 2009
3)Matsushima H, Katsuki Y, Mukai K et al:Observation of whitening by cryo-forcused ion beam scanning electron microscopy. J Cataract Refract Surg 37:788-789, 2011
4)Werner L:Glistening and surface light scattering in intraocular lenses. J Cataract Refract Surg 36:1398-1420, 2010
5)宮田 章:ポリマー内に貯まる水.IOL & RS 21:59-62,2007
7)高橋麻子・渡辺 博・中目紗衣子・他:摘出ハイドロフィリックアクリル眼内レンズ.臨眼58:1453-1456,2004
8)Wackernagel W, Ettinger K, Weitgasser U et al:Opacification of a silicone intraocular lens caused by calcium deposits on the optic. J Cataract Refract Surg 30:517-520, 2004
10)Yoshida S, Matsushima H, Nagata M et al:Decreased visual function due to high-level light scattering in a hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lens. Jpn J Ophthalmol 55:62-66, 2011
12)Matsushima H, Nagata M, Katsuki Y et al:Decreased visual acuity resulting from glistening and sub-surface nano-glistening formation in intraocular lenses:a retrospective analysis of 5 cases. Saudi J Ophthalmol 29:259-263, 2015
13)Gurabardhi M, Häberle H, Aurich H et al:Serial intraocular lens opacifications of different designs from the same manufacturer:clinical and light microscopic results of 71 explant cases. J Cataract Refract Surg 44:1326-1332, 2018
14)永田万由美・松島博之・泉 雅子・他:液状後発白内障の成分分析.眼紀52:1020-1023,2001