特集 網膜剝離の現在—見えてきた実像と最新の治療戦略
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7)Wong CW, Wong WL, Yeo IY et al:Trends and factors related to outcomes for primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment surgery in a large Asian Tertiary Eye Center. Retina 34:684-692, 2014
8)Smretschnig E, Falkner-Radler CI, Spörl J et al:Primary retinal detachment surgery:changes in treatment and outcome in an Austrian tertiary eye center. Ophthalmologica 237:55-62, 2017
9)Reeves MG, Pershing S, Afshar AR:Choice of primary rhegmatogenous retinal detachment repair method in US commercially insured and medicare advantage patients, 2003-2016. Am J Ophthalmol 196:82-90, 2018
10)Adelman RA, Parnes AJ, Ducournau D et al:Strategy for the management of uncomplicated retinal detachments:the European vitreo-retinal society retinal detachment study report 1. Ophthalmology 120:1804-1808, 2013