特集 第74回日本臨床眼科学会講演集[2]
日本緑内障学会による緑内障診療ガイドライン第4版において,「緑内障治療の目的は,視覚の質(quality of vision:QOV)と,それに伴う生活の質(QOL)を維持することである」と明記された1)。第3版までの「患者の視機能の維持することである」と意図するところは同じだが,より患者の立場に立った表現がされている意味でこの違いは大きい。緑内障でQOLがどのように障害されるのかは,疾患の本質にかかわる問題であるが,まだ十分には理解されていない。QOLという観点から緑内障治療を進めていくために,視野障害とQOLの関連,緑内障による黄斑部障害・中心窩障害を中心に講演した。
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7)Sawada H, Fukuchi T, Abe H:Evaluation of the relationship between quality of vision and the visual function index in Japanese glaucoma patients. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 249:1721-1727, 2011
8)Sawada H, Yoshino T, Fukuchi T et al:Assessment of the vision-specific quality of life using clustered visual field in glaucoma patients. J Glaucoma 23:81-87, 2014
9)Crabb DP, Viswanathan AC:Integrated visual fields:a new approach to measuring the binocular field of view and visual disability. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 243:210-216, 2005
10)Ichhpujani P, Thakur S, Spaeth GL:Contrast Sensitivity and Glaucoma. J Glaucoma 29:71-75, 2020
11)Thakur S, Ichhpujani P, Kumar S et al:Assessment of contrast sensitivity by Spaeth Richman Contrast Sensitivity Test and Pelli Robson Chart Test in patients with varying severity of glaucoma. Eye 32:1392-1400, 2018
12)Shakarchi AF, Mihailovic A, West SK et al:Vision Parameters Most Important to Functionality in Glaucoma. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 60:4556-4563, 2019
13)Hood DC, Raza AS, de Moraes VG et al:Glaucomatous Damage in the Macula. Prog Ret Eye Res 32:1-21, 2013
14)Traynis I, de Moraes CG, Raza AS et al:Prevalence and nature of early glaucomatous defects in the central 10°of the visual field. JAMA Ophthalmol 132:291-297, 2014
15)Sullivan-Mee M, Karin Tran MT, Pensyl D et al:Prevalence, features, and severity of glaucomatous visual field loss measured with the 10-2 achromatic threshold visual field test. Am J Ophthalmol 168:40-51, 2016
17)Iikawa R, Togano T, Sakaue Y et al:Estimation of the central 10-degree visual field using en-face images obtained by optical coherence tomography. PLoS One. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0229867, 2020
18)Igarashi R, Ochiai S, Sakaue Y et al:Optical coherence tomography angiography of the peripapillary capillaries in primary open-angle and normal-tension glaucoma. PLoS One. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0184301, 2017
19)Takusagawa HL, Liu L, Ma KN et al:Projection-resolved optical coherence tomography angiography of macular retinal circulation in glaucoma. Ophthalmology. 124:1589-1599, 2017
20)Triolo G, Rabiolo A, Shemonski ND et al:Optical coherence tomography angiography macular and peripapillary vessel perfusion density in healthy subjects, glaucoma suspects, and glaucoma patients. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 58:5713-5722, 2017
21)Kwon J, Choi J, Shin JW et al:Alterations of the foveal avascular zone measured by optical coherence tomography angiography in glaucoma patients with central visual field defects. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 58:1637-1645, 2017
22)Igarashi R, Ochiai S, Togano T et al:Foveal avascular zone measurement via optical coherence tomography angiography and its relationship with the visual field in eyes with open angle glaucoma. J Glaucoma 29:492-497, 2020
23)Lee EJ, Lee SH, Kim JA et al:Parapapillary deep-layer microvasculature dropout in glaucoma:Topographic association with glaucomatous damage. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 58:3004-3010, 2017