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特集 第74回日本臨床眼科学会講演集[7]



著者: 馬嶋清如1 市川慶2 酒井幸弘2 片岡嵩博3 磯谷尚輝3 中村友昭3 玉置明野4 市川一夫2

所属機関: 1眼科 明眼院 2中京眼科 3名古屋アイクリニック 4JCHO中京病院眼科

ページ範囲:P.1190 - P.1198


要約 目的:前眼部光干渉断層計(TOMEY社製CASIA2:Ⅰ)で撮影された水晶体画像から,超音波生体顕微鏡(SONOMED社製VuMAXⅡ:Ⅱ)で撮影された水晶体赤道部(赤道部)の位置を予測すること。





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6)Kasthurirangan S, Feucher L, Smith P et al:Software based evaluation of toric IOL orientation in a multicenter clinical study. J Cataract Refract Surg 30:820-826, 2014
7)Inoue Y, Takehara H, Oshika T:Axis misalignment of toric intraocular lens:placement error and postoperative rotation. Ophthalmology 124:1424-1425, 2017
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13)Makhotkina NY, Berendschot TTJM, van den Biggelaar FJHM et al:Comparability of subjective and objective measurements of nuclear density in cataract patients. Acta Ophthalomol 96:356-363, 2018
14)Shoji T, Kato N, Ishikawa S et al:Association between axial length and in vivo human crystalline lens biometry during accommodation:a swept-source optical coherence tomography study. Jpn J Ophthalmol 64:93-101, 2020
15)馬嶋清如・市川 慶・酒井幸弘・他:超音波生体顕微鏡と前眼部光過干渉断層計で観察された水晶体形状の比較.臨眼72:875-882,2018
16)Erb-Einger K, Hirnshall N, Hackl C et al:Predicting lens diameter:Ocular biometry with high-resolution MRI. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 56:6847-6854, 2015
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18)Goto S, Maeda N, Koh S et al:Prediction of postoperative intraocular lens position with angle-to-angle depth using anterior segment optical coherence tomography. Ophthalmology 123:2474-2480, 2016
19)Yoo YS, Whang WJ, Hwang KY et al:Use of the crystalline lens equatorial plane as a new parameter for predicting postoperative intraocular lens position. Am J Ophthalmol 198:17-24, 2019





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