特集 知って得する白内障と屈折矯正の最新情報
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8)Ishida A, Ichioka S, Takayanagi Y et al:Comparison of Postoperative Hyphemas between Microhook Ab Interno Trabeculotomy and iStent Using a New Hyphema Scoring System. J Clin Med 10:5541, 2021
9)Ichioka S, Ishida A, Takayanagi Y et al:Roles of toric intraocular lens implantation on visual acuity and astigmatism in glaucomatous eyes treated with iStent and cataract surgery. BMC Ophthalmol 22:487, 2022
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11)Onoe H, Hirooka K, Okumichi H et al:Corneal higher-order aberrations after microhook ab interno trabeculotomy and goniotomy with the Kahook dual blade:preliminary early 3-month results. J Clin Med 10:4115, 2021