特集 細胞毒マニュアル—実験に用いられる細胞毒の知識
神経系に作用するもの 軸索・興奮性膜作用薬
Among a number of toxins found in marine organisms, some are direct threats to public health as they are responsible for food poisoning caused by ingestion of marine products.The most serious and urgent among these poisonings in the tropical and subtropical Pacific is the sporadic outbreak of human intoxications from eating various species of fishes from tropical coral reefs.This phenomenon is known as ciguatera.
Ciguatoxin(CTX)is a toxic substance which is extracted from a variety of fish inhabiting tropical and subtropical seas(Scheuer et al.,1967).
Among a number of toxins found in marine organisms, some are direct threats to public health as they are responsible for food poisoning caused by ingestion of marine products.The most serious and urgent among these poisonings in the tropical and subtropical Pacific is the sporadic outbreak of human intoxications from eating various species of fishes from tropical coral reefs.This phenomenon is known as ciguatera.
Ciguatoxin(CTX)is a toxic substance which is extracted from a variety of fish inhabiting tropical and subtropical seas(Scheuer et al.,1967).