THE JOURNAL OF UROLOGYVol.103, No.5, May, 1970
Preoperative Tumor Localization by Adrenal Ve-nography in Patients With Primary Aldostero-nism:Comparison With Operative Findings.J.C.Cerny, R.M.Nesbit, J.W.Conn, J.J.Boooks-tein, D.R.Rovner, E.L.Cohen, C.P.Lucas, A.Warshawsky and T.Southwell 521
Left Adrenal Aldosterone Producing Tumor WithCongenitally Absent Right Adrenal Gland.E.A.Orzeck, C.R.Ayers and M.P.Walzak, Jr.529
Preoperative Tumor Localization by Adrenal Ve-nography in Patients With Primary Aldostero-nism:Comparison With Operative Findings.J.C.Cerny, R.M.Nesbit, J.W.Conn, J.J.Boooks-tein, D.R.Rovner, E.L.Cohen, C.P.Lucas, A.Warshawsky and T.Southwell 521
Left Adrenal Aldosterone Producing Tumor WithCongenitally Absent Right Adrenal Gland.E.A.Orzeck, C.R.Ayers and M.P.Walzak, Jr.529