THE JOURNAL OF UROLOGYVol.105, No.4, April 1971
Patency of Major Renal Vascular Pathways De-monstrated by Rapid Blood Flow Scintiphoto-graphy.L.M.Freeman, C-H.Meng, M.W.Richterand M.D.Blaufox 473
Multicystic Dysplasia of Kidney:With Special Re-ference to Contralateral Kidney.L.F.Greene, W.Feinzaig and D.C.Dahlin 482
Patency of Major Renal Vascular Pathways De-monstrated by Rapid Blood Flow Scintiphoto-graphy.L.M.Freeman, C-H.Meng, M.W.Richterand M.D.Blaufox 473
Multicystic Dysplasia of Kidney:With Special Re-ference to Contralateral Kidney.L.F.Greene, W.Feinzaig and D.C.Dahlin 482