特集 イラストレイテッド 膀胱全摘除術と尿路変向術
手術手技 (1)基本手技
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2)Takenaka A, Murakami G, Soga H, et al:Anatomic analysis of the neurovascular bundle supplying penile cavernous tissue to ensure a reliable nerve graft after radical prostatectomy. J Urol 172:1032-1035, 2004
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4)Tewari A, Takenaka A, Mtui E, et al:The proximal neurovascular plate(PNP)and tri-zonal neural architecture around the prostate grand:importance in athermal robotic technique of nerve sparing prostatectomy. BJU Int 98:314-323, 2006
5)Eichelberg C, Erbersdobler A, Michl U, et al:Nerve distribution along the prostatic capsule. Eur Urol 51:105-110, 2007
6)Takenaka A, Murakami G, Matsubara A, et al:Variation in the course of the cavernous nerve with special reference to details of topogrphic relationships near prostatic apex:a histologic study using male cadavers. Urology 65:136-142, 2005
7)Takenaka A, Tewari A, Hara R, et al:Pelvic autonomic nerve mapping around the prostate by intraoperative electrical stimulation with simultaneous measurement of intracavernous and intraurethral pressure. J Urol 177:225-229, 2007
8)Savera A, Kaul S, Badani K, et al:Robotic radical prostatectomy with the“Veil of Aphrodite”technique:histologic evidence of enhanced nerve sparing. Eur Urol 49:1065-1074, 2006
9)Jhaveri JK, Chhabra P, Te AE, et al:Grades of robotic nerve sparing. J Urol 179:488-489, 2008
10)Takenaka A, Hara R, Soga H, et al:A novel technique for approaching endopelvic fascia in retropubic radical prostatectomy based on anatomic study of fixed and fresh cadavers. BJU Int 95:766-771, 2005