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セミナー 基礎研究は面白い―私の経験・4


著者: 辻村晃1

所属機関: 1大阪大学大学院医学系研究科器官制御外科学(泌尿器科)

ページ範囲:P.1015 - P.1021


要約 これまで行ってきた研究の中で,研究を始めた動機と研究を進めた着眼点を交えて,性機能障害に関するものを紹介する。末しょうレベルでは陰茎海綿体平滑筋細胞を用いて,PDE5阻害剤無効例に対する新しい治療法につながる研究を行い,中枢レベルでは,性活動の時期に応じた性中枢の解析と性的興味の統計学的な解析を行ってきた。いずれも臨床に即した研究である。


1)Tsujimura A, Nunoue K, Inoue N, et al:Three soluble form messages of murine CD46 are produced through alternative mRNA splicing. J Biochem 130:841-848, 2001
2)Tsujimura A, Shida K, Kitamura M, et al:Molecular cloning of a murine homologue of membrane cofactor protein(CD46):preferential expression in testicular germ cells. Biochem J 330:163-168, 1998
3)Matsuoka Y, Miyagawa Y, Tokuhiro K, et al:Isolation and characterization of the spermatid-specific Smrp1 gene encoding a novel manchette protein. Mol Reprod Dev 75:967-975, 2008
4)Tokuhiro K, Hirose M, Miyagawa Y, et al:Meichroacidin containing the membrane occupation and recognition nexus motif is essential for spermatozoa morphogenesis. J Biol Chem 283:19039-19048, 2008
5)Fujita K, Ohta H, Tsujimura A, et al:Transplantation of spermatogonial stem cells isolated from leukemic mice restores fertility without inducing leukemia. J Clin Invest 115:1855-1861, 2005
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8)Nakayama J, Takao T, Kiuchi H, et al:Olfactory mucosal transplantation after spinal cord injury improves voiding efficiency by suppressing detrusor-sphincter dyssynergia in rats. J Urol 184:775-782, 2010
9)Tsujimura A, Koikawa Y, Salm S, et al:Proximal location of mouse prostate epithelial stem cells:a model of prostatic homeostasis. J Cell Biol 157:1257-1265, 2002
10)Tsujimura A, Fujita K, Komori K, et al:Prostatic stem cell marker identified by cDNA microarray in mouse. J Urol 178:686-691, 2007
11)Komori K, Tsujimura A, Takao T, et al:Nitric oxide synthesis leads to vascular endothelial growth factor synthesis via the NO/cyclic guanosine 3', 5'-monophosphate(cGMP)pathway in human corpus cavernosal smooth muscle cells. J Sex Med 5:1623-1635, 2008
12)Fukuhara S, Tsujimura A, Okuda H, et al:Vardenafil and resveratrol synergistically enhance the nitric oxide/cyclic guanosine monophosphate pathway in corpus cavernosal smooth muscle cells and its therapeutic potential for erectile dysfunction in the streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat:preliminary findings. J Sex Med 8:1061-1071, 2011
13)Tsujimura A, Miyagawa Y, Fujita K, et al:Brain processing of audiovisual sexual stimuli inducing penile erection:a positron emission tomography study. J Urol 176:679-683, 2006
14)Miyagawa Y, Tsujimura A, Fujita K, et al:Differential brain processing of audiovisual sexual stimuli in men:comparative positron emission tomography study of the initiation and maintenance of penile erection during sexual arousal. Neuroimage 36:830-842, 2007
15)Tsujimura A, Miyagawa Y, Takada S, et al:Sex differences in visual attention to sexually explicit videos:a preliminary study. J Sex Med 6:1011-1017, 2009
16)Tsujimura A, Miyagawa Y, Takada S, et al:The relation between sexual interest and personality characteristics in men:an eye-tracking study. Int J Impot Res 22:185-189, 2010





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