セミナー テストステロンを再考する・4
要約 高齢男性のテストステロン分泌低下は,心血管病や認知症,ADL低下,死亡の要因となる点が老年医学的に重要である。一方,テストステロン補充療法の効果は,健常高齢男性に対しては体脂肪減少・筋肉量増加など限定的であるが,要介護高齢男性に対しては機能改善効果など多面的効果が期待される。テストステロンの老化予防効果についても研究成果が出つつあり,老年医学分野でのテストステロン研究の進展が待たれる。
1)Akishita M, Hashimoto M, Ohike Y, et al:Low testosterone level is an independent determinant of endothelial dysfunction in men. Hypertens Res 30:1029-1034, 2007
2)Akishita M, Hashimoto M, Ohike Y, et al:Low testosterone level as a predictor of cardiovascular events in Japanese men with coronary risk factors. Atherosclerosis 210:232-236, 2010
3)Fukai S, Akishita M, Yamada S, et al:Association of plasma sex hormone levels with functional decline in elderly men and women. Geriatr Gerontol Int 9:282-289, 2009
4)Fukai S, Akishita M, Yamada S, et al:Plasma sex hormone levels and mortality in disabled older men and women. Geriatr Gerontol Int 11:196-203, 2010
5)Nagai K, Akishita M, Shibata S, et al:Relationship between testosterone and cognitive function in elderly men with dementia. J Am Geriatr Soc, in press.
6)Emmelot-Vonk MH, Verhaar HJ, Nakhai Pour HR, et al:Effect of testosterone supplementation on functional mobility, cognition, and other parameters in older men:a randomized controlled trial. JAMA 299:39-52, 2008
7)Fukai S, Akishita M, Yamada S, et al:Effects of testosterone in older men with mild-to-moderate cognitive impairment. J Am Geriatr Soc 58:1419-1421, 2010
8)Yamada S, Akishita M, Fukai S, et al:Effects of dehydroepiandrosterone supplementation on cognitive function and activities of daily living in older women with mild to moderate cognitive impairment. Geriatr Gerontol Int 10:280-287, 2010
9)Akishita M, Yamada S, Nishiya H, et al:Effects of physical exercise on plasma concentrations of sex hormones in elderly women with dementia. J Am Geriatr Soc 53:1076-1077, 2005
10)Ota H, Akishita M, Akiyoshi T, et al:Testosterone deficiency accelerates neuronal and vascular aging of SAMP8 mice:protective role of eNOS and SIRT1. PLoS One 7:e29598, 2012
11)Yu J, Akishita M, Eto M, et al:Androgen receptor-dependent activation of endothelial nitric oxide synthase in vascular endothelial cells:role of PI3-kinase/Akt pathway. Endocrinology 151:1822-1828, 2010