増刊号特集 前立腺癌の診療ナビゲーション―わかりやすく丁寧に!
Ⅸ 前立腺癌をめぐる最近のトピックス
Q 前立腺癌の免疫療法の適応と実際,展望について教えてください。
Q 前立腺癌の免疫療法の適応と実際,展望について教えてください。
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4)Lorenzo GD, Buonerba C and Kantoff PW:Immunotherapy for the treatment of prostate cancer. Nat Rev Clin Oncol 8:551-561, 2011
5)Thakur A, Vaishampayan U and Lum LG:Immunotherapy and immune evasion in prostate cancer. Cancers 5:569-590, 2013
6)Noguchi M, Sasada T and Itoh K:Personalized peptide vaccination:a new approach for advanced cancer as therapeutic cancer vaccine. Cancer Immunol Immunother 62:909-929, 2013
7)Yamada A, Sasada T, Noguchi M, et al:Next-generation peptide vaccines for advanced cancer. Cancer Science 104:15-21, 2013
8)Noguchi M, Moriya F, Suekane S, et al:A phase Ⅱ trial of personalized peptide vaccination in castration-resistant prostate cancer patients:prolongation of prostate-specific antigen doubling time. BMC Cancer 13:613, 2013