特集 知っておきたい腎移植の最新情報—基礎から臨床まで
要旨 HLAによる同種間の障壁は,免疫抑制剤の発展によりかなり抑えられるようになった。それゆえ,移植前のHLAミスマッチは以前ほど問題視されなくなった。しかし,長期のグラフト生着を果たすためには,臨床的意義のあるHLA-DSAの移植後の発現をいかに抑制できるかが肝要である。HLA情報から組織適合性を判断し,正確に拒絶リスクを推し量るためには,一定水準のHLAタイピングおよび抗体検査とHLA情報の正確な理解が求められる。
1)Robinson J, Halliwell JA, McWilliam H, et al:The IMGT/HLA database. Nucleic Acids Res 41:D1222-D1227, 2013
3)Fujiwara K, Shimano K, Tanaka H, et al:Application of bead array technology to simultaneous detection of human leucocyte antigen and human platelet antigen antibodies. Vox Sang 96:244-251, 2009
4)Mulley WR and Kanellis J:Understanding crossmatch testing in organ transplantation:A case-based guide for the general nephrologist. Nephrology 16:125-133, 2011
5)安尾美年子,石塚 敏,石田悠梨,他:HLA抗体の補体結合性についての検討.Major Histcompatibility Complex 21:181-186,2014
6)Freitas MC, Rebellato LM, Ozawa M, et al:The role of immunoglobulin-G subclasses and C1q in de novo HLA-DQ donor-specific antibody kidney transplantation outcomes. Transplantation 95:1113-1119, 2013
7)Yell M, Muth BL, Kaufman DB, et al:C1q Binding Activity of De Novo Donor-specific HLA Antibodies in Renal Transplant Recipients With and Without Antibody-mediated Rejection. Transplantation 99:1151-1155, 2015
8)Sicard A, Ducreux S, Rabeyrin M, et al:Detection of C3d-binding donor-specific anti-HLA antibodies at diagnosis of humoral rejection predicts renal graft loss. J Am Soc Nephrol 26:457-467, 2015
9)Morales-Buenrostro LE, Terasaki PI, Marino-Vázquez LA, et al:“Natural”human leukocyte antigen antibodies found in nonalloimmunized healthy males. Transplantation 86:1111-1115, 2008
10)Wiebe C, Pochinco D, Blydt-Hansen TD, et al:Class Ⅱ HLA epitope matching-A strategy to minimize de novo donor-specific antibody development and improve outcomes. Am J Transplant 13:3114-3122, 2013
11)Kosmoliaptsis V, Sharples LD, Chaudhry AN, et al:Predicting HLA class Ⅱ alloantigen immunogenicity from the number and physiochemical properties of amino acid polymorphisms. Transplantation 91:183-190, 2011
12)Wiebe C, Nevins TE, Robiner WN, et al:The Synergistic Effect of Class Ⅱ HLA Epitope-Mismatch and Nonadherence on Acute Rejection and Graft Survival. Am J Transplant 15:2197-2202, 2015