特集 知っておきたい腎移植の最新情報—基礎から臨床まで
要旨 小児はさまざまな点で成人とは異なる。近年,新規免疫抑制剤の導入に加え小児特有の問題に対する詳細な検討,治療技術の進歩により,小児の腎移植成績には大きな改善が認められ,移植後の身体成長やQOLの向上にも影響している。また従来比較的禁忌とされていた症例(低体重小児や原病再発リスクの高い腎炎症例,重篤な下部尿路異常を合併する症例など)に対しても移植の適応は拡大され,良好な結果が報告されている。
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7)Mendizábal S, Estomell F, Zamaral I, et al:Renal transplantation in children with severe bladder dysfunction. J Urol 173:226-229, 2005
8)Rigamonti W, Capizzi A, Zacchello G, et al:Kidney transplantation into bladder augmentation or urinary diversion:long-term results. Transplantation 80:1435-1440, 2005
9)Neu AM and Fivush BA:Recommended immunization practices for pediatric renal transplant recipets. Pediatr Transplant 2:263-269, 1998
12)宍戸清一郎:VIII腹部臓器移植;小児腎移植.In田口智章,岩中督(監),猪股裕紀洋,黒田達夫,奥山宏臣(編):スタンダード小児外科手術 押さえておきたい手技のポイント.pp374-377,メジカルビュー,東京,2013
13)Bertelli R, Ginevri F, Caridi G, et al:Recurrence of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis after renal transplantation in patients with mutation of podocin. Am J Kidney Dis 41:1314-1321, 2003
14)Ghiggeri GM, Artero M, Carraro M, et al:Glomerular albumin permeability as an in vitro model for characterizing the mechanism of focal glomerulosclerosis and predicting post-transplant recurrence. Pediatr Transplant 8:339-343, 2004
15)Ponticelli C, Moroni G and Glassock RJ:Recurrence of secondary glomerular disease after renal transplantation. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 6:1214-1221, 2011
16)Cravedi P, Kopp JB and Remuzzi G:Recent progresss in the pathophysiology and treatment of FSGS recurrence. Am J Transplant 13:266-274, 2013
17)Fomoni A, Sageshima J, Wei C, et al:Rituximab targets podocytes in recurrent focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. Sci Trans Med 3:85ra45, 2011
18)Noris M, Caprioli, Bresin E, et al:Relative role of genetic complement abnormallyties in sporadic and familial aHUS and their impact on clinical phenolype. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 5:1844-1859, 2010
19)Zuber J, Le Quintrec M, Sberro-Soussan R, et al:New insights into postrenal transplant hemolytic uremic syndrome. Nat Rev Nephrol 7:23-35, 2011
20)Zuber J, Quintrec ML, Krid S, et al:Eclizumab for atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome recurrence in renal transplantation. Am J Transplant 12:3337-3354, 2012
21)Motoyama O, Hasegawa A, Aikawa A, et al:Final height in a prospective trial of late steroid withdrawal after pediatric renal transplantation treated with cyclosporine and mizoribine. Pediatr Transplantation 16:78-82, 2012
22)Dharnidharka VR, Abdulnour HA, Araya CE:The BK virus in renal transplant recipients-review of pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment. Pediatr Nephrol 26:1763-1774, 2011
23)Bell LE, Bartosh SM, Davis CL, et al:Adolescent Transition to Adult Care in Solid organ transplantation:a consensuss conference report. Am J Transplant 8:2230-2242, 2008
24)上村 治:小児慢性腎臓病患者のトランジション(移行).腎と透析76:469-473,2014