増刊号特集 泌尿器科外来パーフェクトガイド—誰にでもすぐに使える!
1)Shibata Y, Kamisawa H, Hayashi Y, et al:Optimal cutoff value of contralateral testicular size for prediction of absent testis in Japanese boys with nonpalpable testis. Urology 76:78-81, 2010
2)Kato T, Kamisawa H, Hayashi Y, et al:Findings of fat-suppressed T2-weighted and diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging in the diagnosis of non-palpable testes. BJU Int 107:290-294, 2011
3)Kamisawa H, Kojima Y, Hayashi Y, et al:Spermatogenesis after 1-stage fowler-stephens orchiopexy in experimental cryptorchid rat model. J Urol 183:2380-2384, 2010
4)Kojima Y, Mizuno K, Hayashi Y, et al:Laparoscopic orchiectomy and subsequent internal ring closure for extra-abdominal testicular nubbin in children. Urology 73:515-519, 2009
5)Mizuno K, Kamisawa H, Hayashi Y, et al:Feasible etiology of vanishing testis regarding disturbance of testicular development:histopathological and immunohistochemical evaluation of testicular nubbins. Int J Urol 19:450-456, 2012