特集 決定版! 過活動膀胱─All about OAB
1) 日本排尿機能学会 過活動膀胱診療ガイドライン作成委員会(編) : 過活動膀胱診療ガイドライン 第2版. pp91─101, リッチヒルメディカル, 東京, 2015
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15) Sacco E and Bientinesi R : Innovative pharmacotherapies for women with overactive bladder : where are we now and what is in the pipeline? Int Urogynecol J 26 : 629─640, 2015
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19) Nomiya M, Sagawa K, Yazaki J, et al : Increased bladder activity is associated with elevated oxidative stress markers and proinflammatory cytokines in a rat model of atherosclerosis-induced chronic bladder ischemia. Neurourol Urodyn 31 : 185─189, 2012
20) Yokoyama T, Shimizu S, Fukumoto K, et al : Correlation of urinary oxidant stress marker level with the response of antimuscarinic therapy in patients with female overactive bladder. J Urol Supple 189 : 1850, 2013