特集 これだけは伝えたい! 腎癌手術のコツ
1) 日本泌尿器科学会 (編) : 腎癌診療ガイドライン2011年度版. pp47─49, 金原出版, 東京, 2011
2) Kunkle DA and Uzzo RG : Cryoablation or radiofrequency ablation of the small renal mass : a meta-analysis. Cancer 113 : 2671─2680, 2008
3) Carraway WA, Raman JD and Cadeddu JA : Current status of renal radiofrequency ablation. Curr Opin Urol 19 : 143─147, 2009
4) Olweny EO, Park SK, Tan YK, et al : Radiofrequency ablation versus partial nephrectomy in patients with solitary clinical T1a renal cell carcinoma : comparable oncologic outcomes at a minimum of 5 years of follow-up. Eur Urol 61 : 1156─1161, 2012
5) Raman JD, Thomas J, Lucas SM, et al : Radiofrequency ablation for T1a tumors in a solitary kidney : promising intermediate oncologic and renal function outcomes. Can J Urol 15 : 3980─3985, 2008
6) Nakasone Y, Kawanaka K, Ikeda O, et al : Sequential combination treatment (arterial embolization and percutaneous radiofrequency ablation) of inoperable renal cell carcinoma : single-center pilot study. Acta Radiol 53 : 410─414, 2012
7) Cantwell CP, Wah TM, Gervais DA, et al : Protecting the ureter during radiofrequency ablation of renal cell cancer : a pilot study of retrograde pyeloperfusion with cooled dextrose 5% in water. J Vasc Radiol 19 : 1034─1040, 2008
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