特集 泌尿器科処置とトラブル対処法─日常臨床に潜むピットフォール
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7) Hudak SJ, Atkinson TH and Morey AF : Repeat transurethral manipulation of bulbar urethral strictures is associated with increased stricture complexity and prolonged disease duration. J Urol 187 : 1691─1695, 2012
8) Wessells H, Angermeier KW, Elliott S, et al : Male Urethral Stricture : American Male Urological Association Guideline. J Urol 197 : 182─190, 2016
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10) Brandes S and Morey A (eds) : Advanced Urethral and Genital Reconstructive Surgery. Humana Press, NY, 2013
11) Heyns CF, Steenkamp JW, De Kock ML, et al : Treatment of male urethral strictures : is repeated dilation or internal urethrotomy useful? J Urol 160 : 356─358, 1998
12) Mundy AR : Words of wisdom. Re : Outcome of dorsal buccal graft urethroplasty for recurrent urethral strictures. Eur Urol 55 : 991─992, 2009