増刊号特集 泌尿器科検査パーフェクトガイド
Ⅱ疾患別:実施すべき検査と典型所見 [1]先天性疾患・小児泌尿器科疾患
◉夜尿男児症例において一定の割合で後部尿道弁(posterior urethral valve : PUV)を有する症例が存在し,これらに対しては外科的治療で排尿症状が改善する.
◉夜尿男児症例において一定の割合で後部尿道弁(posterior urethral valve : PUV)を有する症例が存在し,これらに対しては外科的治療で排尿症状が改善する.
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2) Robson WL : Clinical practice. Evaluation and management of enuresis. N Engl J Med 360 : 1429─1436, 2009
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5) 今村正明, 吉村耕治, 小川 修, 他 : 成人語と小児語のDysfunctional voiding symptom score (DVSS) 非公式認証和訳版の試用と意義. 日小児泌会誌22 : 69─73, 2013
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12) Fockema MW, Candy GP, Kruger D, Haffejee M : Enuresis in South African children : prevalence, associated factors and parental perception of treatment. BJU Int 110 : E1114─1120, 2012
13) Chang JW, Yang LY, Chin TW, et al : Clinical characteristics, nocturnal antidiuretic hormone levels, and responsiveness to DDAVP of school children with primary nocturnal enuresis. World J Urol 30 : 567─571, 2012
14) Ferrara P, Ianniello F, Romani L, et al : Five years of experience in nocturnal enuresis and urinary incontinence in children : where we are and where we are going. Uro Int 92 : 223─229, 2014
15) Kwak KW and Park KH : Clinical inconsistency of lower urinary tract symptoms between questionnaire and bladder diary in children with nocturnal enuresis. J Urol 180 : 1085─1089, 2008
16) Self MM, Williams AE, Czyzewski DI, et al : Agreement between prospective diary data and retrospective questionnaire report of abdominal pain and stooling symptoms in children with irritable bowel syndrome. Neurogastroenterol Motil 27 : 1110─1119, 2015
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18) Yeung CK, Sreedhar B, Leung VT, et al : Ultrasound bladder measurements in patients with primary nocturnal enuresis : a urodynamic and treatment outcome correlation. J Urol 171 : 2589─2594, 2004
19) Sreedhar B, Yeung CK, Leung VY, et al : Ultrasound bladder measurements in children with severe primary nocturnal enuresis : pretreatment and posttreatment evaluation and its correlation with treatment outcome. J Urol 179 : 1568─1572, 2008
20) Montaldo P, Tafuro L, Rea M, et al : Desmopressin and oxybutynin in monosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis : a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial and an assessment of predictive factors. BJU Int 110 : E381─386, 2012
21) Franco I, von Gontard A and De Gennaro M : Evaluation and treatment of nonmonosymptomatic nocturnal enuresis : a standardization document from the International Children's Continence Society. J Pediatr Urol 9 : 234─243, 2013
22) Chase J, Austin P, Hoebeke P, et al : The management of dysfunctional voiding in children : a report from the Standardisation Committee of the International Children's Continence Society. J Urol 183 : 1296─1302, 2010
23) Chang SJ, Chiang IN, Hsieh CH, et al : Age- and gender-specific nomograms for single and dual post-void residual urine in healthy children. Neurourol Urodyn 32 : 1014─1018, 2013
24) 内藤泰行, 河内明宏, 大石正勝, 他 : 泌尿器科学的疾患と夜尿症. 夜尿症研11 : 5─9, 2006
25) 長 雄一, 松野大輔 : 遺尿症を契機に発見された尿路奇形の検討. 夜尿症研9 : 41─44, 2004
26) Sugimoto M, Kakehi Y, Yamashita M, et al : Ten cases of congenital urethral stricture in childhood with enuresis. Int J Urol 12 : 558─562, 2005
27) Nakamura S, Kawai S, Kubo T, et al : Transurethral incision of congenital obstructive lesions in the posterior urethra in boys and its effect on urinary incontinence and urodynamic study. BJU Int 107 : 1304─1311, 2011
28) Yamanishi T, Yasuda K, Hamano S, et al : Urethral obstruction in patients with nighttime wetting : urodynamic evaluation and outcome of surgical incision. Neurourol Urodyn 19 : 241─248, 2000
29) Kihara T, Nakai H, Mori K, et al : Variety of congenital urethral lesions in boys with lower urinary tract symptoms and the results of endoscopic treatment. Int J Urol 15 : 235─240, 2008
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32) 中井秀郎, 木原敏晴, 森 健一, 他 : 下部尿路症状を有する男児の尿道異常所見と治療成績. 夜尿症研12 : 51─59, 2007
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34) Nakamura M, Moriya K, Mitsui T, et al : Abnormal dimercapto-succinic acid scan is a predictive factor of breakthrough urinary tract infection in children with primary vesicoureteral reflux. J Urol 182 : 1694─1697, 2009
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36) 加藤昌生, 井上洋二, 碓井 亞, 他 : 軽度下部尿路通過障害を伴った夜尿症児における麻酔下膀胱容量. 夜尿症研12 : 35─38, 2007
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