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増刊号特集 泌尿器科検査パーフェクトガイド

Ⅱ疾患別:実施すべき検査と典型所見 [1]先天性疾患・小児泌尿器科疾患


著者: 川合志奈1 日向泰樹1 中井秀郎1

所属機関: 1自治医科大学とちぎ子ども医療センター小児泌尿器科

ページ範囲:P.115 - P.117


◉排尿時膀胱尿道造影の際には,尿道弁や膀胱尿管逆流(vesicoureteral reflux : VUR)の有無のみでなく,膀胱容量,尿流異常,膀胱壁の不整・残尿の有無など,膀胱機能に関する情報も収集する.
◉特に重症例では弁切開(trans urethral incision : TUI)による尿道の通過状態改善で治療を終了とせず,術後の膀胱機能を経過観察する.


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2) Kaefer M, Peters CA, Retik AB, et al : Increased renal echogenicity : a sonographic sign for differentiating between obstructive and nonobstructive etiologies of in utero bladder distension. J Urol 158 : 1026─1029, 1997
3) Pathak S and Lees C : Ultrasound structural fetal anomaly screening : an update. Arch Dis Child Fetal Neonatal Ed 94 : F384─390, 2009
4) 久保太郎, 日向泰樹, 川合志奈, 他 : 尿性腹水を契機に診断された後部尿道弁の2症例. 日小児泌会誌22 : 114─118, 2013
5) Williams CR, Pérez LM and Joseph DB : Accuracy of renal-bladder ultrasonography as a screening method to suggest posterior urethral valves. J Urol 165 : 2245─2247, 2001
6) Odeh R, Noone D, Bowlin PR, et al : Predicting Risk of Chronic Kidney Disease in Infants and Young Children at Diagnosis of Posterior Urethral Valves : Initial Ultrasound Kidney Characteristics and Validation of Parenchymal Area as Forecasters of Renal Reserve. J Urol 196 : 862─868, 2016
7) Otukesh H, Sharifiaghdas F, Hoseini R, et al : Long-term upper and lower urinary tract functions in children with posterior urethral valves. J Pediatr Urol 6 : 143─147, 2010
8) Pohl M, Mentzel HJ, Vogt S, et al : Risk factors for renal insufficiency in children with urethral valves. Pediatr Nephrol 27 : 443─450, 2012
9) 中井秀郎, 中村 繁, 川合志奈, 他 : 後部尿道弁と経尿道的内視鏡切開術. 臨泌69 : 119─127, 2015
10) Firlit CF and King LR : Anterior urethral valves in children. J Urol 108 : 972─975, 1972
11) Zia-ul-Miraj M : Anterior urethral valves : a rare cause of infravesical obstruction in children. J Pediatr Surg 35 : 556─558, 2000
12) Bajpai M, Dave S and Gupta DK : Factors affecting outcome in the management of posterior urethral valves. Pediatr Surg Int 17 : 11─15, 2001
13) Paulhac P, Fourcade L, Lesaux N, et al : Anterior urethral valves and diverticula. BJU Int 92 : 506─509, 2003
14) Routh JC, McGee SM, Ashley RA, et al : Predicting renal outcomes in children with anterior urethral valves : a systematic review. J Urol 184 : 1615─1619, 2010
15) McLellan DL, Gaston MV, Diamond DA, et al : Anterior urethral valves and diverticula in children : a result of ruptured Cowper's duct cyst? BJU Int 94 : 375─378, 2004
16) Cruz-Diaz O, Salomon A, Rosenberg E, et al : Anterior urethral valves : not such a benign condition. Frontiers in Pediatrics 1 : 35, 2013
17) Youssif M, Dawood W, Shabaan S, et al : Early valve ablation can decrease the incidence of bladder dysfunction in boys with posterior urethral valves. J Urol 182 : 1765─1768, 2009
18) Jalkanen J, Heikkila J, Kyrklund K, et al : Controlled Outcomes for Achievement of Urinary Continence among Boys Treated for Posterior Urethral Valves. J Urol 196 : 213─218, 2016





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