増刊号特集 泌尿器科検査パーフェクトガイド
Ⅱ疾患別:実施すべき検査と典型所見 [1]先天性疾患・小児泌尿器科疾患
1) Hayashi Y, Mizuno K, Moritoki Y, et al : Can spongioplasty prevent fistula formation and correct penile curvature in TIP urethroplasty for hypospadias? Urology 81 : 1330─1335, 2013
2) Hayashi Y, Kojima Y, Mizuno K, et al : Demonstration of postoperative effectiveness in ventral lengthening using a tunica vaginalis flap for severe penile curvature with hypospadias. Urology 76 : 101─106, 2010
3) Mizuno K, Kojima Y, Kamisawa H, et al : Elucidation of distinctive genomic DNA structures in patients with 46,XX testicular disorders of sex development using genome wide analyses. J Urol 192 : 535─541, 2014
4) Iwatsuki S, Kojima Y, Mizuno K, et al : Endocrine assessment of prepubertal boys with a history of cryptorchidism and/or hypospadias : a pilot study. J Urol 185 : 2444─2450, 2011
5) Kojima Y, Hayashi Y, Maruyana T, et al : Comparison between ultrasonography and retrograde urethrography for detection of prostatic utricle associated with hypospadias. Urology 57 : 1151─1155, 2001
6) Hayashi Y and Kojima Y : Current concepts in hypospadias surgery. Int J Urol 15 : 651─664, 2008
7) Hayashi Y, Yasui T, Kojima Y, et al : Management of urethral calculi associated with hairballs after urethroplasty for severe hypospadias. Int J Urol 14 : 161─163, 2007