増刊号特集 泌尿器科検査パーフェクトガイド
Ⅱ疾患別:実施すべき検査と典型所見 [4]尿路機能障害・閉塞性疾患
1) Marks LS, Roehrborn CG, Wolford E, et al : The effect of dutasteride on the peripheral and transition zones of the prostate and the value of the transition zone index in predicting treatment response. J Urol 177 : 1408─1413, 2007
2) Jacobsen SJ, Jacobson DJ, Girman CJ, et al : Treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia among community dwelling men : the Olmsted County study of urinary symptoms and health status. J Urol 162 : 1301─1306, 1999
3) Tan YH and Foo KT : Intravesical prostatic protrusion predicts the outcome of a trial without catheter following acute urine retention. J Urol 170 : 2339─2341, 2003
4) Mariappan P, Brown DJ and McNeill AS : Intravesical prostatic protrusion is better than prostate volume in predicting the outcome of trial without catheter in white men presenting with acute urinary retention : a prospective clinical study. J Urol 178 : 573─577, 2007
5) Lieber MM, Jacobson DJ, McGree ME, et al : Intravesical prostatic protrusion in men in Olmsted County, Minnesota. J Urol 182 : 2819─2824, 2009