特集 去勢抵抗性前立腺癌(CRPC)─Key Questionsに答える
Key Question
▶ 去勢抵抗性前立腺癌患者に対して,エンザルタミドはどのように使うのがよいですか?
▶ エンザルタミドの効果に対する評価はどのように行うのがよいですか?
Direct Answer
・エンザルタミドには主観的な副作用が多いため,患者報告アウトカム(patient reported outcomes : PRO)による副作用マネジメントが有効.早期の減量により,副作用による中止症例を減らすことができる.
▶ 去勢抵抗性前立腺癌患者に対して,エンザルタミドはどのように使うのがよいですか?
▶ エンザルタミドの効果に対する評価はどのように行うのがよいですか?
Direct Answer
・エンザルタミドには主観的な副作用が多いため,患者報告アウトカム(patient reported outcomes : PRO)による副作用マネジメントが有効.早期の減量により,副作用による中止症例を減らすことができる.
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2) Yamasaki M, Yuasa T, Yamamoto S, et al : Efficacy and Safety Profile of Enzalutamide for Japanese Patients with Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer. Anticancer Res 36 : 361─365, 2016
3) Terada N, Akamatsu S, Okada Y, et al : Factors predicting efficacy and adverse effects of enzalutamide in Japanese patients with castration-resistant prostate cancer : results of retrospective multi-institutional study. Int J Clin Oncol 21 : 1155─1161, 2016
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7) Miyake H, Hara T, Tamura K, et al : Comparative Assessment of Efficacies Between 2 Alternative Therapeutic Sequences With Novel Androgen Receptor-Axis-Targeted Agents in Patients With Chemotherapy-Naive Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. Clin Genitourin Cancer : 2016 [Epub ahead of print]
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9) Gillessen S, Omlin A, Attard G, et al : Management of patients with advanced prostate cancer : recommendations of the St Gallen Advanced Prostate Cancer Consensus Conference (APCCC) 2015. Ann Oncol 26 : 1589─1604, 2015
10) Rathkopf D and Scher HI : Androgen receptor antagonists in castration-resistant prostate cancer. Cancer J 19 : 43─49, 2013
11) Antonarakis ES, Lu C, Luber B, et al : Androgen Receptor Splice Variant 7 and Efficacy of Taxane Chemotherapy in Patients With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. JAMA Oncology 1 : 582─591, 2015
12) Sonpavde G, Wang CG, Galsky MD, et al : Cytotoxic chemotherapy in the contemporary management of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC). BJU Int 116 : 17─29, 2015
13) Conteduca V, Crabb SJ, Scarpi E, et al : Association Between Early PSA Increase and Clinical Outcome in Patients Treated with Enzalutamide for Metastatic Castration Resistant Prostate Cancer. Mol Diagn Ther 20 : 255─263, 2016
14) Kato H, Furuya Y, Miyazawa Y, et al : Consequences of an Early PSA Response to Enzalutamide Treatment for Japanese Patients with Metastatic Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer. Anticancer Res 36 : 6141─6149, 2016
15) Facchini G, Caffo O, Ortega C, et al : Very Early PSA Response to Abiraterone in mCRPC Patients : A Novel Prognostic Factor Predicting Overall Survival. Front in Pharmacol 7 : 123, 2016
16) Ueda Y, Matsubara N, Tabata KI, et al : Prostate-Specific Antigen Flare Phenomenon Induced by Abiraterone Acetate in Chemotherapy-Naive Patients With Metastatic Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. Clin Genitourin Cancer 15 : 320─325, 2017
17) Loriot Y, Bianchini D, Ileana E, et al : Antitumour activity of abiraterone acetate against metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer progressing after docetaxel and enzalutamide (MDV3100). Ann Oncol 24 : 1807─1812, 2013
18) Noonan KL, North S, Bitting RL, et al : Clinical activity of abiraterone acetate in patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer progressing after enzalutamide. Ann Oncol 24 : 1802─1807, 2013
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