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特集 前立腺肥大症に対する手術─古くて新しい泌尿器科の標準治療



著者: 高橋良輔1

所属機関: 1九州大学大学院医学研究院泌尿器科学分野

ページ範囲:P.610 - P.614







1) 日本泌尿器科学会 (編) : 前立腺肥大症診療ガイドライン. pp67─92, リッチヒルメディカル, 東京, 2011
2) Geavlete B, Dragutescu M, Multescu R, et al : TURIS plasma vaporization─initial Romanian experience with a new technology. J Med Life 2 : 325─332, 2009
3) Reich O, Schlenker B, Gratzke C, et al : Plasma vaporization of the prostate : initial clinical results. Eur Urol 57 : 693─697, 2010
4) Robert G, Descazeaud A, Delongchamps NB, et al : Transurethral plasma vaporization of the prostate : 3-month functional outcome and complications. BJU Int 110 : 555─560, 2012
5) Geavlete B, Multescu R, Dragutescu M, et al : Transurethral resection (TUR) in saline plasma vaporization of the prostate vs standard TUR of the prostate : ‘the better choice’ in benign prostatic hyperplasia? BJU Int 106 : 1695─1699, 2010
6) Geavlete B, Georgescu D, Multescu R, et al : Bipolar plasma vaporization vs monopolar and bipolar TURP-A prospective, randomized, long-term comparison. Urology 78 : 930─935, 2011
7) Nuhoğlu B, Balci MB, Aydin M, et al : The role of bipolar transurethral vaporization in the management of benign prostatic hyperplasia. Urol Int 87 : 400─404, 2011
8) Zhang SY, Hu H, Zhang XP, et al : Efficacy and safety of bipolar plasma vaporization of the prostate with “button-type" electrode compared with transurethral resection of prostate for benign prostatic hyperplasia. Chin Med J 125 : 3811─3814, 2012
9) Elsakka AM, Eltatawy HH, Almekaty KH, et al : A prospective randomized controlled study comparing bipolar plasma vaporization of the prostate to monopolar transurethral resection of the prostate. Arab J Urol 14 : 280─286, 2016
10) Robert G, de la Taille A and Herrmann T : Bipolar plasma vaporization of the prostate : ready to replace GreenLight? A systematic review of randomized control trials. World J Urol 33 : 549─554, 2015
11) Wroclawski ML, Carneiro A, Amarante RD, et al : ‘Button type’ bipolar plasma vaporization of the prostate compared with standard transurethral resection : a systematic review and meta-analysis of short-term outcome studies. BJU Int 117 : 662─668, 2016
12) Geavlete B, Stanescu F, Iacoboaie C, et al : Bipolar plasma enucleation of the prostate vs open prostatectomy in large benign prostatic hyperplasia cases─a medium term, prospective, randomized comparison. BJU Int 111 : 793─803, 2013
13) Geavlete B, Bulai C, Ene C, et al : Bipolar vaporization, resection, and enucleation versus open prostatectomy : optimal treatment alternatives in large prostate cases? J Endourol 29 : 323─331, 2015





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