特集 深淵なる「夜間頻尿」の世界
1) Sakalis VI, Karavitakis M, Bedretdinova D, et al : Medical Treatment of Nocturia in Men with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms : Systematic Review by the European Association of Urology Guidelines Panel for Male Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms. Eur Urol 72 : 757─769, 2017
2) Häkkinen JT, Hakama M, Shiri R, et al : Incidence of nocturia in 50 to 80-year-old Finnish men. J Urol 176 : 2541─2545, 2006
3) 本間之夫, 柿崎秀宏, 後藤百万, 他 : 排尿に関する疫学的研究. 日排尿機能会誌14 : 266─277, 2003
4) Yoshimura K, Nakayama T, Sekine A, et al : B-type natriuretic peptide as an independent correlate of nocturnal voiding in Japanese women. Neurourol Urodyn 31 : 1266─1271, 2012
5) Funada S, Kawaguchi T, Terada N, et al : Cross-sectional epidemiological analysis of the Nagahama Study for correlates of overactive bladder : genetic and environmental considerations. J Urol, 2017 [Epub ahead of print]
6) Hirayama A, Torimoto K, Mastusita C, et al : Evaluation of factors influencing the natural history of nocturia in elderly subjects : results of the Fujiwara-kyo Study. J Urol 189 : 980─986, 2013
7) Obayashi K, Saeki K, Negoro H, et al : Nocturia increases the incidence of depressive symptoms : a longitudinal study of the HEIJO-KYO cohort. BJU Int 120 : 280─285, 2017
8) Yoshimura K : Correlates for nocturia : a review of epidemiological studies. Int J Urol 19 : 317─329, 2012
9) Negoro H, Kanematsu A, Yoshimura K, et al : Chronobiology of micturition : putative role of the circadian clock. J Urol 190 : 843─849, 2013
10) Blanker MH, Bernsen RM, Ruud Bosch JL, et al : Normal values and determinants of circadian urine production in older men : a population based study. J Urol 168 : 1453─1457, 2002
11) 曽根淳史, 近藤典生, 小林達也, 他 : 高齢者夜間頻尿における脳性ナトリウム利尿ペプチド (BNP) と相対的夜間多尿の関連. 日泌会誌98 : 558─564, 2007
12) Matsuo T, Miyata Y and Sakai H : Daily salt intake is an independent risk factor for pollakiuria and nocturia. Int J Urol 24 : 384─389, 2017
13) Okumura Y, Asai K, Kobayashi T, et al : Dietary Sodium Restriction Reduces Nocturnal Urine Volume and Nocturnal Polyuria Index in Renal Allograft Recipients with Nocturnal Polyuria. Urology 106 : 60─64, 2017
15) Zuber AM, Centeno G, Pradervand S, et al : Molecular clock is involved in predictive circadian adjustment of renal function. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 106 : 16523─16528, 2009
16) Hara M, Minami Y, Ohashi M, et al : Robust circadian clock oscillation and osmotic rhythms in inner medulla reflecting cortico-medullary osmotic gradient rhythm in rodent kidney. Sci Rep 7 : 7306, 2017
17) van Haarst EP, Heldeweg EA, Newling DW, et al : The 24-h frequency-volume chart in adults reporting no voiding complaints : defining reference values and analysing variables. BJU Int 93 : 1257─1261, 2004
18) Homma Y, Yamaguchi O and Hayashi K : An epidemiological survey of overactive bladder symptoms in Japan. BJU Int 96 : 1314─1318, 2005
19) Akashi S and Tomita K : The impact of a history of childhood nocturnal enuresis on adult nocturia and urgency. Acta Paediatr 103 : e410─415, 2014
20) Branche BL, Howard LE, Moreira DM, et al : Sleep problems are associated with development and progression of lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS) : Results from REDUCE. J Urol, 2017 [Epub ahead of print]
21) Bower WF, Rose GE, Ervin CF, et al : TANGO - a screening tool to identify comorbidities on the causal pathway of nocturia. BJU Int 119 : 933─941, 2017
22) 白崎 功 : 福祉の現場から尿量センサー 「リリアムα-200」 の開発. 地域ケアリング18 : 96─99, 2016
) 市販までの道程. 生体医工学54 Annual (26 AM-Abstract), S30, 2016