特集 深淵なる「夜間頻尿」の世界
1) 吉田正貴, 吉安貴史 : 夜間頻尿を有する前立腺肥大症患者に対するタムスロシン塩酸塩の有効性と効果発現メカニズム. 泌外21 : 1211─1220, 2008
2) 清水信貴, 松本成史, 花井 禎, 他 : I-PSSに 「夜間頻尿QOL」 を加えた独自の問診票の評価ならびにタムスロシン塩酸塩の夜間頻尿に対する効果. 泌外20 : 1551─1558, 2007
3) Kojima Y, Sasaki S, Imura M, et al : Tamsulosin reduces nighttime urine production in benign prostatic hyperplasia patients with nocturnal polyuria : a prospective open-label long-term study using frequency-volume chart. Neurourol Urodyn 31 : 80─85, 2012
4) 服部 剛, 平林直樹, 門田雅之, 他 : 前立腺肥大症に伴う下部尿路症状に対するナフトピジル (フリバス錠・OD錠) の製造販売後調査における安全性と有効性の検討. 新薬と臨59 : 266─286, 2010
5) Yokoyama O, Aoki Y, Tsujimura A, et al : α (1) -adrenoceptor blocker naftopidil improves sleep disturbance with reduction in nocturnal urine volume. World J Urol 29 : 233─238, 2011
6) Yamamoto M, Shimizu T, Shimizu S, et al : Effect of naftopidil on brain noradrenaline-induced decrease in arginine-vasopressin secretion in rats. J Pharmacol Sci 132 : 86─91, 2016
7) Kwon SY, Lee KS, Yoo TK, et al : Comparison of the Effect of Naftopidil 75 mg and Tamsulosin 0.2 mg on the Bladder Storage Symptom With Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia : Prospective, Multi-institutional Study. Urology, 2017 [Epub ahead of print]
8) Tanaka T, Kuratsukuri K, Yoshimura R, et al : Efficacy of naftopidil for nocturia in male patients with lower urinary tract symptoms : comparison of morning and evening dosing. Int J Urol 22 : 317─321, 2015
9) 清水智司, 大澤康典, 種山岳彦, 他 : シロドシンの前立腺肥大症に伴う夜間頻尿に及ぼす影響─製造販売後調査併合データのサブグループ解析. 泌外28 : 1679─1684, 2015
10) Yoshida M, Origasa H, Seki N, et al : Comparison of Silodosin versus Tadalafil in Patients with Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms Associated with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia. Low Urin Tract Symptoms 9 : 176─186, 2017
11) Oelka M, Weiss JP, Mamoulakis C, et al : Effects of tadalafil on nighttime voiding (nocturia) in men with lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia : a post hoc analysis of pooled data from four randomized, placebo-controlled clinical studies. World J Urol 32 : 1127─1132, 2014
12) 川原和也 : Male LUTS/BPHに対する新規ホスホジエステラーゼ5阻害薬 (タダラフィル) の実地診療における有用性の検討. 泌外30 : 1423─1430, 2017
13) Ko WJ, Han HH, Ham WS, et al : Daily use of sildenafil 50mg at night effectively ameliorates nocturia in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms associated with benign prostatic hyperplasia : an exploratory multicenter, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled study. Aging Male 20 : 81─88, 2017
14) Oelke M, Roehrborn CG, D'Ancona C, et al : Impact of dutasteride on nocturia in men with lower urinary tract symptoms suggestive of benign prostatic hyperplasia (LUTS/BPH) : a pooled analysis of three phase III studies. World J Urol 32 : 1141─1147, 2014
) and tamsulosin (CombAT) study. World J Urol 32 : 1133─1140, 2014
16) Yokoyama O, Tsujimura A, Akino H, et al : Add-on anticholinergic therapy for residual nocturia in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms receiving α1-blocker treatment : a multi-centre, prospective, randomised study. World J Urol 33 : 659─667, 2015
17) Wada N, Numata A, Hou K, et al : Nocturia and sleep quality after transurethral resection of the prostate. Int J Urol 21 : 81─85, 2014
18) Seki N, Yuki K, Takei M, et al : Analysis of the prognostic factors for overactive bladder symptoms following surgical treatment in patients with benign prostatic obstruction. Neurourol Urodyn 28 : 197─201, 2009
19) Kwon O, Lee HE, Bae J, et al : Effect of holmium laser enucleation of prostate on overactive bladder symptoms and urodynamic parameters : a prospective study. Urology 83 : 581─585, 2014
20) Choi WS, Ku JH, Oh SJ, et al : Change of nocturnal polyuria after holmium laser enucleation of the prostate in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia. Urology 84 : 650─656, 2014
21) Homma Y, Yamaguchi T, Kondo Y, et al : Significance of nocturia in the international Prostate Symptom Score for benign prostatic hyperplasia. J Urol 167 : 172─176, 2002
22) Mitterberger M, Pallwein L, Gradl J, et al : Persistent detrusor overactivity after transurethral resection of the prostate is associated with reduced perfusion of the urinary bladder. BJU Int 99 : 831─835, 2007
23) Ponholzer A, Temml C, Wehrberger C, et al : The association between vascular risk factors and lower urinary tract symptoms in both sexes. Eur Urol 50 : 581─586, 2006