特集 この1冊で安心! 泌尿器科当直医マニュアル〈外来編〉
1) Yasuda M, Muratani T, Ishikawa K, et al : Japanese guideline for clinical research of antimicrobial agents on urogenital infections : Second edition. J Infect Chemother 22 : 651─661, 2016
2) 西田 修, 小倉裕司, 井上茂亮, 他 : 日本版敗血症診療ガイドライン2016. 日救急医会誌28 : S1─S232, 2017
3) Hayami H, Takahashi S, Ishikawa K, et al : Nationwide surveillance of bacterial pathogens from patients with acute uncomplicated cystitis conducted by the Japanese surveillance committee during 2009 and 2010 : antimicrobial susceptibility of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus saprophyticus. J Infect Chemother 19 : 393─403, 2013
4) 山本新吾, 石川清仁, 速見浩士, 他 : JAID/JSC感染症治療ガイドライン2015 尿路感染症・男性性器感染症. 感染症誌90 : 1─30, 2016
5) Ishikawa K, Matsumoto T, Yasuda M, et al : The nationwide study of bacterial pathogens associated with urinary tract infections conducted by the Japanese Society of Chemotherapy. J Infect Chemother 17 : 126─138, 2011
6) Ishikawa K, Hamasuna R, Uehara S, et al : Japanese nationwide surveillance in 2011 of antibacterial susceptibility patterns of clinical isolates from complicated urinary tract infection cases. J Infect Chemother 21 : 623─633, 2015