特集 エキスパートが本音で語る! 膀胱癌診療の最前線
・膀胱腫瘍一塊切除によって診断できる,T1,high grade膀胱癌の粘膜筋板浸潤の有無は,癌の進展(progression)や予後を予測できる可能性がある.
・膀胱腫瘍一塊切除によって診断できる,T1,high grade膀胱癌の粘膜筋板浸潤の有無は,癌の進展(progression)や予後を予測できる可能性がある.
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3) Kawada T, Ebihara K, Suzuki T, et al : A new technique for transurethral resection of bladder tumors : rotational tumor resection using a new archet ekectrode. J Urol 157 : 2225─2226, 1997
4) Younes M, Sussman J and True LD : The usefulness of the level of the musculari mucosae in the staging of invasive transitional cell carcinoma of the urinary bladder. Cancer 66 : 543─548, 1990
5) Orsola A, Trias I, Raventos CX, et al : Initial high-grade T1 urothelial cell carcinoma : feasibility and prognostic significance of lamina propria invasion microstaging (T1a/b/c) in BCG-treated and BCG-non-treated patients. Eur Urol 48 : 231─238, 2005