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1) Shoskes DA, Nickel JC, Dolinga R, et al : Clinical phenotyping of patients with chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome and correlation with symptom severity. Urology 73 : 538-542, 2009
2) 髙橋 聡, 和田耕一郎, 公文裕巳, 他 : 日本語版National Institute of Health Chronic Prostatitis Symptom Indexの作成について. 日泌会誌105 : 62-65, 2014
3) Kunishima Y, Takeyama K, Takahashi S, et al : Gatifloxacin treatment for chronic prostatitis : a prospective multicenter clinical trial. J Infect Chemother 14 : 137-140, 2008
4) Clemens JQ, Calhoun EA, Litwin MS, et al : Rescoring the NIH Chronic Prostatitis Index (NIH-CPSI) : Nothing new. Prostate Cancer Prostatic Dis 12 : 285-287, 2009
5) Clemens JQ, Calhoun EA, Litwin MS, et al : Validation of a modified National Institute of health chronic prostatitis symptom index to assess genitourinary pain in both men and women. Urology 74 : 983-987, 2009